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Jins dad (Kim Mingyu):
A local miner who stumbles upon a machine that looked like a toy in his eyes but sooner finds that it held way to much than he bargained for.

Namjoon's Mum ( jinsoul):
Mingyu best friend and ex lover.

Yoongi's Dad (Min jeonghan):
Mingyu right hand man and your local gas filler.

hoseok's Dad ( jung jungwoo):
A dance academy instructor Mingyu best friend.

Jimin's Dad ( Park hansol):
Also works at the dance academy with jungwoo.

Taehyung Dad ( kim taeyang):
alcoholic but hides it from his friends

jungkook's Dad ( jeon jeongin):
Model that has financial problems.


constantly repairing the mistakes his created.

doesn't know what to do with hia future constantly working odd jobs to support himself.

Has been suicidal since the devastating breakup with his girlfriend. Doesn't believe in Loving yourself.

In and out of hospital because of his drug addiction. Wants to stop but can't.

been hospitalised after he tried to commit suicide for a reason that is known to him only.

Lives in fear with his abusive dad. Stays in this constant fear to protect his sister

The youngest of the group. The one who lost without the guidance of his hyungs. A stray from his kind.

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