There's no place that feels good.

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Yoongi's Pov

I felt like shit after the whole encounter with Jimin a month ago. The more I think about it the more I hate myself. The real reason why I left the squad was not because of that bitch Jisoo. I could not care less about her but the true reason was Jimin. His smile and lips and his nose. I could go on forever and ever, it shows that I miss him more that anything. However today I would go back to him in order for him to accept me back. For him to feel that I was truly sorry.

I sped walked through the streets of Hongdae and got the train tracks where the boys usually meet up. It was awfully quiet. This reminded me when I decided to dump bambi and go off somewhere else. I reached the isolated destination and heard a commotion from within one of the abandoned cargo trains. I decided to grow a dick and knock on the door. Before I could proceed with the action I came face to face with a pair of evil and fierce set of eyes. "What the fuck do you think your doing here? Who gave you the rights to comeback and most importantly what other things did you come over here to fuck up? " Taehyung sneered. He was beyond pissed. Why the fuck was the wanker  over here? What gave him the rights to return after the shit he put them through. He glanced to see Jimin glaring so hard. Then Taehyung smirked." Jimin babes go back inside will ya. Don't want my baby witnessing something ugly with his beautiful eyes".

Third persons Pov
Yoongi's reaction brought pleasure to Taehyung. The pleasure started to make it's way through the beaten and tattered body. "Jimin what's going on" now it was Jimin's turn to roll his eyes and smirk menacingly. "Well you heard my boyfriend what are you doing here?"

Yoongi could not utter a word. His body felt oddly numb. Was this the end of him. Was he stupidly clinging on a false hope of acceptance. Crazy things started to flash though his mind. However, one was thing was for sure. He witnessed the final blow. He saw them.

A/N: CUT. Left you guys on cliffhanger because im a bitch. Hope you guys like it.

I was wondering if any of you blood thorns can draw because i want o create a webtoon.

Anyways stay health. Love you.

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