New beginning

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The wind whisled through the ashy like sky, creating music to entertain itself as it continued to run its errands of either destruction or blessing. The faint sound of the Bee Gees night fever playing in the background as a young man inhaled his cigarette. " Cancer truly is seductive but i can't get enough of you. It's like I'm m cheating on my wife with you but you keep the stress away that she adds on" Mingyu said to himself in a chant like manner, almost taunting himself. " I guess i should get home before she opens her mouth and complains about the timing. Even when pregnant she can't give me a break."

As Mingyu continued his journey to his warehouse of stress he had an uneasy feeling that something that was too much to handle was instore for him. Completely dismissimg the feeling he continued his journey home the light of the moon acting as a lamp of protection ensuring his safety back.

"Honey, I'm home" he hated how he had to keep this facade of fake love and a happy marriage to ensuring her happiness. He knew she was selfish at heart. He always beat himself up for breaking up with jinsoul but at the end of the day jinsoul loved someone else and she was happy, at least that's what he thought.

"Why are you always so goddamn late. Are you whoring around with other women." It was always the same and so were his replies. " No honey I was just out to get my mind of things. I could never cheat especially after the fact we're expecting a son."

Frost fell from the sky dressing the atmosphere with a thick coat of icing on the morning of December 4th." One step, two step, three step, hyung, where could you be." The child-man voiced i concern. His bambi like eyes lit up like a five yr old having the first sight of santa and his magic when the older male arrived infront of him." Jungkook-ah what did I tell you about you coming here, it's too dangerous for you to be here" the older stated viciously,he wanted to be alone and it was evident but the younger did not back down it was almost like contest between the two. "Hyung it's jin's birthday we have to celebrate and plus the rest are waiting for you. Can you stop moping about your break up for once and stop acting like your problems are the only thing that matters!" the younger stated with anger. Yoongi could not do anything but stare at Jungkook in awe with the sudden outburst." You're right I should stop moping around, let's go then shall we."

As the two lads wondered the haunting streets of hongdae they couldn't help but notice it was awfully queit, way too quiet. "Hyung what do think has everyone dead silent, usually hongdae is either filled with creeps or busy people." Jungkook looked to meet yoongi eyes but was met with thin air as a pair of eyes." I should have known. If he continues like we're not needed to comfort him we might as well cut him off right" The lad whispered to himself.

A/N: Hoped you guys enjoyed this book is based on the the theory that jin's dad is a time traveller.

plz notify me if there is any grammar mistakes thanks

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