Why just Why?

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It has been 1 solid hell like week since Taeyang's discovery and Mingyu was far from okay. His son entrance to this far from utopia knowns as the world was next week. The bitch of a wife was not helping and he was almost at his limit.

He stared at the life changer that was lying on the table," what in the fucking world have I done to piss God of aye. What am i going to do with a bloody time machine" he muttered ridiculously. Mingyu was slowly losing his mind and it was evident.

"Taeyang,I'm losing my mind and im certain". Taeyang however looked like he was about to burst out laughing at the fact his friend, soon to be father was going crazy. " Bloody hell mate, ya ought to get yourself checked, the time machine ought to be doing something to you. Bliming hell it's almost like your wife is cheating on you with the fucking machine aye."

Mingyu could only look at his friend with absolute disgust." Ya fucking annoying ya know that. We should get the others here so that we inform them about what's going on" he stated with a stoic face his however was clutching his stomach. "We should inform the others about whats going on" he completely took the mick out of Mingyu and still held that box like grin on his face. A grin that would soon change.

Timeskip brought to you by a soon to be face reveal.

"So what did ya call us here for" Jinsoul said. She was the only one at ease with the inappropriate timing. Way too at ease. She hasn't been keeping up with the boys and no one really had a clue why. Her usual blooming and cheerful self became more dull and she would always blame it on maturing. The boys however never questioned any further.

A tall pale man with gorgeous long hair stood next to jinsoul. "What ridiculously timing is this Mingyu my girlfriend is pregnant and needs taking care of" his voice never once matching his appearance. It was angelic almost like a recital of a poem with a mute melody that you could almost hear. Jeonghan was the name. He worked as a barista. He was known for his gorgeous looks. His wife was indescribable as well. A family of angels was the name the locals dubbed them with.

Taeyang stood next to Mingyu with an amused look on his face. "Send my regards to your wife aye Jeonghan. It must be hard dealing with ass ya bloody slob". Taeyang and Jeonghan were never on the best conditions. They were the complete opposite from each other ( just like their sons Taehyung and Yoongi if you have read the previous chapter). They always had different opinions but Jeonghan always had the logic,that left Taeyang with the bitter and venom like feeling towards the latter.

Jeongin, Jungwoo and Hansol idly stood by as they watched the scene unfold. Jeongin the youngest of the group was a model all the girls wanted him....... but he was gay. He had the hardest fitting in this narrow minded society where homosexuality was considered a fucking disease. Hansol and Jungwoo both worked at a dance academy. They were like the bestie of the group.

Mingyu cleared his throat to gain the attention "well I have something to say and you guys might not take it as great as you should". Jinsoul looked at him with a stoic face, " ya fucked up didn't you" before Mingyu could open his mouth to utter his response, jinsoul groaned "why, just why".

A/N:Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The following chapters is going to based on Mingyu and how his upcoming mistakes fuck up the future of jin and the others so if you were confused then i hoped this cleared things up.

love ya guys and if you are wondering im British, specifically from London England.

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