Who knows? pt2

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"Who knows, who fucking knows?" Taehyung muttered darkly. The others could sense that his attitude was turning for the worse. He was becoming a monster and no one seemed to be able to stop that transformation.

Jimin however liked this change, his heart did still belong to Yoongi but Taehyung's hatred for the lad made Jimin high on ecstasy. He enjoyed ever ounce of venom that came through Taehyung's voice when talking about Yoongi. Yoongi did break his heart when he decided to keep their relationship a secret by dating the whore of woman Jisoo. However the killing shot was when Yoongi decided to fall in love with her whilst still claiming Jimin as his own. His confrontation was still embedded in his mind. The memories was a fresh as a strawberry plucked from the gardens that day.

Jimin decided he wanted to visit Yoongi and talk about what they were to each other. Each passing day Jimin was confused as to why Yoongi decided to keep his relationship with Jimin a secret but most of all where has Yoongi been going to these past couple of days.

He entered the shared apartment and saw Yoongi working on a song like he usually does. "Hey babe" Jimin chirped with a beautiful smile on his face, Yoongi's response wiped that smile out of existence. "What are you doing here, i thought you weren't be here now" Yoongi said whilst looking completely uninterested with Jimin's presence. Jimin heart shattered. He was shocked by Yoongi. "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!" Jimin have had enough with Yoongi's behaviour, he was at his breaking point. He did not like the way he was being treated. The nagging in his head that told him that Yoongi was cheating became more louder each passing minute. "Oh my god I should have known. You're a cheating man whore, that girl i saw the other day was the person you're cheating on me with right. How is she in bed, oh let me. guess" Fuck me harder im such a fucking slut,i go fucking other people's men just because they have money. Oh maybe you're the man whore in this situation. You can't keep the cock of yours away from anything, RIGHT BABES RIGHT. WAS I JUST ANOTHER TOY TO YOU B---". Jimin held his left cheek as he saw a feminine like hand infront of him." You may escort yourself out me and my boyfriend don't like being disturbed. You're a delusional faggot and a disgusting pig get some help" a woman said to him. Yoongi had a smirk on his face. He has successfully broken Jimin's heart. "Thank you Yoongi, I'll find someone better dont worry".

Something within Yoongi broke after those words came flying out of Jimin's mouth.

end of flashback

A/N: Hoped you guys enjoyed and a big thank you for 200+ reads it means so much. I am crying right now. Love you guys with all my heart.Jimins character if you're wondering is kinda a psychopath so the following chapters might be disturbing but hey whats makes the book interesting right.
Love Mayxxx.

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