Falling Down

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"Bangtan boys are falling down, falling down, falling down
Bangtan boys falling down. Save my Life please".

The air was thick with the heavy pollution the factory near Jin's house was producing. He had no idea where his mind was going but it sure was travelling. The machine his dad had left him layed still and heavy on his lap.

Jimin was fast asleep on the bed that was to the north of Jin's face. The last couple of days had been rough on the boy.

Yoongi's reaction brought pleasure to Taehyung. The pleasure started to make it's way through the beaten and tattered body. "Jimin what's going on" now it was Jimin's turn to roll his eyes and smirk menacingly. "Well you heard my boyfriend what are you doing here?"

After Yoongi left in a hurry, Jimin was violently pushed. "Don't fuckin touch me you fag. You were dating Yoongi out of all people. No wonder pig was such a fitting word for you". Jimin looked like life was completely sucked out of him. He knew Taehyung changed, he knew he liked it when he was bitter with Yoongi but never had he thought that he would be the victim of Taehyung's verbal abuse. "GET LOST SLUT!!!" Taehyung screamed.

Everyone watched in shock. Never have they thought Taehyung would go that far. Him changing was an understatement. He was reprogrammed to behave like a monster. However, only Jin knew the true essence of this behaviour and he vowed to himself make it right.
end of flashback
He watched as Jimin chest went up and down indicating his breathing was steady. He felt sorry for the adoptive brother. All of their lives were far from perfect. Jin knew for a fact that this cycle was going to end at all. Inevitability was their best friend. Justice was stripped from the boys dictionary. Each passing day seemed like another day in a jailhouse waiting for you turn of a game of hangman.

Jin was lost. Each child was losing their ways. He could stop it but he did not know how to.

Jungkook's Pov
I was wondering around red light district,the night was dead as the corpse in a bloodshed fed graceyard. Woman's body's were on display. Delicious was all I could think of. Taehyung changed and it was so scary. I always felt protected with Taehyung. The box smile made anyone smile within seconds.

I grabbed a girl and went to a nearby hotel. I got up to the room I was going to use. " My boy you're a hench man aye. Beautiful you are" she was flirting. Poor woman did not know what was going to happen to her.

Third person's pov
Jungkook pounced on her then chained her up. His crazy expression showed insanity. The woman was scared to death. "Bangtan boys is falling down, falling down, falling down. Bangtan boys is falling down save my life please" He continously sang that until the woman looked like she was going mad.

"What do you prefer, your nails coming of or acid on that pretty little flower of yours. Maybe paper cuts and then a jug of fresh lemons poured over you. Oops is that all of it I hear, why not mam. All the methods coming right up" he continued to laugh like crazy.

"Bangtan boys are falling down, falling down, falling down
Bangtan boys falling down. Save my Life please".

A/N: Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. we're almost at 300 reads so i want to thank for this crazy experience. Love you blood thorns to the moon and back
Love Mayxxx

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