october 13

6 0 0

it's 12 am right and i'm dropping off Z at his house. we get in front of his house and for the past few days he's always been saying how he needed to tell me something but he would never tell me. we stop and i park my car and i said "please tell me." he says "i like you" and i respond "it's about dang time you told me because i like you too" he grabs my hand and holds it then asks "do you want to go out with me" (so we skipped the whole "thing" stage) and i say yes. we both get out of the car and he gives me one of the greatest hugs ever bro. and lmao we were still in our onesies from the football game so that's pretty funny to me. but yeah the whole car ride home after that i was just smiling and i was so happy bro. so yeah ya girl has been cuffed during this cuffing season

then once i got home we ft'd for like an hour and it was just great

then i woke up to him fting me and i subconsciously answered. i was literally asleep and i think i thought it was my alarm or something so i was just trying to turn it off lmao but i answered haha. we talked tho for like five hours after that lol

then i cried the rest of the day when he had to leave for work because life sucks but i'm okay

today was truly sucky. i honestly didn't think i had anymore tears left in my system but wow i can surprise myself sometimes

i didnt eat anything today and i didn't leave my bed.

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