August 1

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soooo many people sent me a picture of myself because apparently I am in the school calendar???? not once but twice?!!? the pictures are cringy as heck boys and I do not remember taking either of the pics. Welp rip me because everyone who attends Armstrong will receive one of those in the mail

my friend and I went to the library today to work on our ap comp assignment and that was so nice. We were there for 2.5 hours and we didn't even get halfway done. It involves so much work omg. We're not even done with the first section. It's a lot more than we thought. For sure will have to grind this school year especially

I had my last behind the wheel this morning!! fun fun fun. It went pretty well. We did some parking and then we went to drop of this girls sunglasses at her house because we didn't really have anything else to do lmao. Then we did some freeway driving. It was all easy and chill so that was nice. Then a girl dropped me off at home and it was lowkey so weird being in the back while a stranger my age was driving. next up: drivers test🤑

oof this month is gonna go by so fast and I'm not ready for it. Schools gonna come up and it's going to go back to me being sad as bread

but please hmu because I'm not trying to do nothing this month so yeah

I went out today and I didn't wear any makeup. Mainly because I didn't have time to get ready lol. But I'm getting more confident in myself without makeup so that's good!! but I also feel like I'm losing some of my makeup skills and that's not ideal

it was quite chilly today and I was so not prepared for that

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