September 1

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well shoot. It's my least favorite month because we start school very very soon and I'm not prepared. I literally need to go back to school shopping because I have no pants. I literally wear the same black jeans everyday because I have literally nothing else

I just drove and picked up my mom from the car shop at 8 in the morning. My mom just woke me up and I literally rolled out of bed. I still had all my pimple cream on from the night before. I also brought my doggie for a little joy ride and her little head sticking out the window is so cute

today was for sure a whirlwind

my dad and I went to look at cars, and he found one that he liked and I found one that was okay. It was a small car and I wanted a SUV for the winter months. But yeah yeah we were there and even more drama happened with my dad and my mom and it was messy. But we're not gonna talk about that. We go home empty handed and then we take my mom to go buy her own new car. She literally bought my dream car and I'm a little jealous but it's fine. I get her old car now and I'm totally okay with that. It works perfectly for me. So yes ya girl now has her own car that she will be whippin to school and I'm hyped about that. Except my moms car doesn't come until Tuesday aka the first day of school so it's not fully mine until then. But I'm excited.

then we went back to the dealership that my dad and I were at early and my dad buys a new car. That was very needed because if you've ever met Henry (my dads car) you know he was pretty bad. The door was broken, the windows were broken, it had no ac, it didn't lock, it would flood if it rained and etc. So now both my parents got new cars and I got my moms.

We are literally going to have five cars in our driveway. My brothers, my moms, my dads, mine, and my dads old car. He's gonna try to fix the door and sell it lmao

once I got home I hopped in my whip and cleaned it. I can't get rid of all my moms things until she gets her car but I wiped everything down and tried to get rid of the dirt. Then I took my doggie on another little joy ride because why not

I'm lowkey not excited to go to work tmr because of the menu final. I actually like working there but it's a lil stressful for me. I'll get used to everything one day but until then it's a little difficult.

oh yeah at the walser dealership the guy helping us was attractive ngl. He was young and he was such a great salesman. Like I actually held convos with him. Great talker man

everything goes downhill and then when I finally think things are looking up, it just goes back down.

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