September 5

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let's see how today goes

spanish- the teacher is chill ig. I literally can barely understand anything she's saying tho cause she mostly talks in Spanish. But today we played pig banks and it was actually fun. We got jolly ranchers at the end so that was nice. Then we played this game with m&ms and I actually wasn't shy with my group for once

chemistry- we got a seating chart and I'm in the back and I'm not mad about it. Except I am decently far away from all my friends but I really like this teacher. Jf is in this class too but it's not weird which is good

comp- I was lowkey nervous but it wasn't too bad today. We didn't really do much but go over the syllabus and whatever. I'm trying to get on this teachers good side because I heard she's not so great

algebra II- I love this teacher as well. But I'm in a more advanced math class so I'm not really with my grade which sucks but I have sophomore friends in there

world history- this class is pretty dead but we played this apples to apples game but history related and that wasn't too bad. This teacher loved me freshman year and I'm just trying to get on her good side again

study hall- if I get accepted for early release ya girl is skrting out of here. And ik I will get early release because I met all the standards sooo

I moved everything from my moms old car (my car now lmao) to her new car and that baby is officially all mine

I had like an hour home before I had to leave for work. And man I want to literally quit. The job isn't bad and I actually do like it, but with school and everything I just feel like it's too much

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