July 26

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frick man I'm so mad. I just don't understand why you have to yell at me for the stupidest reasons and tell me to pack up my stuff and leave our house. like okay maybe I just will

I saw mamma mia here we go again and it was sooooo good bro. Like dang that's my favorite musical now

I ate so much candy. I need to quit y'all I need to fix my eating habits. I also want to start working out again cause I haven't ran since track and that's not good

I canceled my last behind the wheel because of the instructor I got... I rescheduled it tho and I really hope I don't get jessee again. If I do imma cancel again

y'all I ft'd J for the first time in sooo long. I miss him so much man. We used to be tight but we aren't really anymore. He was spilling tea and he had to leave right in the middle of it soooo he left me on a cliffhanger. AND IT WAS SOMETHING ABOUT ME SO I NEED TO KNOW NOW

I get paid to be people's friends (issa joke)

this is old news but armstrong got a new turf and it looks pretty dang good ngl

on the way home my dad and I had such a deep topic. like we were talking about stuff like anxiety and depression. I was literally crying like it was so deep.

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