August 24

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SURPRISE IM TAKING MY DRIVERS TEST TODAY. and if I fail I'm deleting this sentence because I don't want to expose myself just yet. But if you're reading this that means I passed!! But you probably already know because I most likely told you but yeah

I'm actually not scared for my test at all even tho the place I'm taking it at is apparently "strict" and "fail people for no reason" so yeah I feel like I'll fail but I'm not scared ya feel me. But it's supposed to rain so I'm shitting my pants about that

but otherwise so much shit is going on that I'm not even focusing on my test at all which is good I guess but it's a lot

so the drive down to Faribault was a little more than an hour. The rain was absolutely TERRIBLE driving down there. You couldn't see a thing on the road and so many people had to pull over. It was very dangerous and very scary

but we eventually get down there and it stopped raining which was a miracle man. The town was seriously so so cute. I would honestly live down there and get away from the cities because wow I loved t

the dmv was really small but it was nice because it wasn't really busy. There were two kid in front of me taking their drivers tests and they only had one tester. The first one did a walk-in because they were there early apparently and then I had to wait for the other kid in front of me. I was supposed to test at 1 but I was tested at 1:45 ish.

I waited in my car until the other kid got back and he failed. You could tell because he didn't go inside the building afterwards, he just left. So that made me nervous because I heard this place was strict.

the lady comes to my car and just starts the equipment test right away. It caught me by surprise honestly. She was behind my car and she told me to turn on my left signal but my mind completely blanked so I hit the freaking windshield wiper instead of the signal lmao. But she didn't notice so that's good. Then we finished that part of the test and onto the road we go.

the roads there were so bumpy. We just went around the neighborhood and we didn't do anything extreme. Once I got to the 90° back in and parallel park that really tripped me up. The didnt use cones they used poles and the back in was into someone's driveway. Plus it was kinda at an incline and it was just so bumpy. I almost hit one of the cones too because I wasn't looking at the cone on my left. But I saw the lady looking at it so I stopped and realized oh shoot I was inches away from failing. Literally my mirror was about to hit the cone but thank goodness I saw it before it actually did. Then parallel was pretty rough too but it's whatever.

Then we just did more driving in the neighborhood and it was chill. She honestly didn't really care too much about anything. Like for uphill you're supposed to use your emergency break but she told me to leave the spot before I even had the chance to use it. And for my parking she told me leave the spots before I could even put it in park lmao. Overall it was really easy actually.

when we went inside the guy who was taking my picture and stuff was a little odd. He literally didn't even know that he took the picture. He looked at it and was like "oh I already took it" and he was singing to the music that was playing in the background. Then his friend came in the dmv and he chatted with her for a few minutes instead of helping us out. Like wtf okay then

after the dmv we went to A&W because we don't have that in the cities and it was a cute little drive in. Their root beer was bomb

then we had to travel all the way back in the pouring rain because it started raining AFTER I took my test thank goodness

then I took a PHAT nap. I haven't napped since the school year. I was asleep for a good three hours oops. I even fell asleep in jeans because that's how tired I was

Today was a much much much better day then yesterday. I didn't cry once and I wasn't stressed about 50's Grill!! I studied more for my tests tmr and I feel so much better. Work is going to be my first destination as a newly licensed women. nice

my parents wouldn't let me drive today because the roads were all wet and slippery and I don't blame them. I didn't want to drive on the roads either

I have to wake up early af tomorrow and idk how imma do it

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