July 18

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I actually went to bed at a decent time last night and I'm proud

I love not being home

y'all I'm actually so flippin excited for the next core team year. It'll be my third year and wow I just love Jesus so much. And I was doubtful throughout the year if I would join again but I already know for sure I will.

going into christian stores make me so happy omg. My love is ABSOLUTELY burning for Jesus. And I'm about to cop the purity ring that I didn't get at steubenville. And ya girl will not take it off till my future man proposes to me. Ok that's a stretch but ya get what I mean

my standards for men have changed dramatically. I want a Godly man and if he don't love the Lord than I'm sorry dude

tmr will be a grind. I have to clean so much and give my dog a bath. It'll be a lot but I can bop my christian music so it's fine

I got rid of like half my streaks. Honestly I'm lowkey gonna get rid of all if not most of them. I've realized that they're so unnecessary and I hate how my first thought in the morning is to do streaks. Then I get worried if I don't do them. But I like to think I am pretty good at keeping streaks tbh

I feel like I'm not gonna pass my drivers test. It's still a ways away but idk I just feel like I won't be able to get it first try. And that like scares me. So yikes I feel the pressure already. If I do pass tho, then I can drive to armstrong like 4 days later by myself because there is a link crew meeting I have to attend so that could maybe be my first destination solo. But tbh I'll probably come swoop someone if my parents will let me before then lol

I was looking at vsco accounts from people I go to school with, and it made me not want to go back to school. Literally most people there irritate me so much. I cannot stand going to a freakin annoying public school man. But I just gotta push through two more years. And lemme tell ya I'm going to be so glad it's all over and I won't miss it as much as you think I'll miss it. High school is dreadful. I like middle school and I'll probably like college too (if I go to a private college cause let's be real, I'd wayyy rather go to private school over public and that's FACTS)

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