July 1

31 1 0

holy freaking moly it's July already?! where the heck is summer going? I feel like I've done a lot but I also feel like I haven't done much


I am harry concert ready. I dig my outfit even tho my parents aren't a fan of my shirt, but that's okay because I'll probably rarely wear it again.

tonight was one for the books. The harry concert was absolutely amazing. 10/10 would recommend. The next move is drake and Charlie Puth for sure

It was actually my first concert too. I've been to jingleball but that wasn't for one specific person. So this is my first legit concert for one specific person. It was supposed to be judging Bieber but ya know he had to cancel on me but it's fine I'm fine

I've actually been doing stuff this summer and I'm so proud

it was such a great night. I realized harry styles is very attractive and his voice is amazing. I'm lowkey such a fake fan but it's fine I'm fine

I haven't stayed up past 12 in a hot minute so ya girl is slumped right now

my thoughts 5.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora