october 10

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spanish- we watched the incredibles en espanol because most people were gone cause of the psat. loved it.

chemistry- lmao yikes this class is just getting harder and harder. oof. it's still not terrible cause i love it but like i feel like imma get lost eventually

ap comp- we just had work time to revise our narratives

algebra 2- oof ya girl is lost

world history- idek what we did haha oops. but one of my friends wasn't there so i couldn't throw my gum wrappers at him

study hall- i went to the mrc because i'm so lost

i went to caribou again with my fav sophomore to get help with math and i'm actually starting to understand it more yay

outside of caribou there was a couple making out in their car right in front of the window and it's like wtf get a freaking room. it was nasty. then they drove off and like 20 mins later they come back with the windows all fogged up. i wasn't like holy shiz bro. that's disgusting but ok

bruh Z cracks me tf up. i was trying to drive but i legit could not stop laughing and my eyes were closed the whole time. yikes that sounds so bad but i could not stop laughing

z and i were on ft for like three hours or something and i was delusional. cause he ft right when i woke up from a nap so my brain wasn't working and then we stayed up till like 12 talking. then he fell asleep on me lmao

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