couple of dudes

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            Me and Noah were now dating. All I heard in my head was 'OMG OMG SOME ONE FINALLY LIKES YOU'. "Hey um, why don't we walk around the park you know? As a couple?" "Noah oh mah godd" "hey you didn't let me finish my sentence. couple of dudes " Noah hugged me but it was a teasing type if hug. I shoved him over playfully. "a-ass h-hole" I giggled. "t-t-t-tree huh-huh-hugger" he teased back. "Let's g-go then " he teased again. He held my hand and pull me out of there. 
           We began to walk around the abandoned carnival. The sun was still going down. Holding each other's hand. We found the ferris wheel and began to climb it. "Y/N don't be a wuss get up here" "Noah, I have a fear of heights you very much know that" I did and I talked about it to him. "I thought your fear wss popping balloons and clowns. And that's why you didn't want to hang out with Finn and I to watch IT."  "IT IS." To prove him wrong I began to climb it "atta girl" said Noah with a smirk.
          It was covered in leaves and vines. Kinda like the scene in Goosebumps. We say in the ferris wheel cart and looked at the sunset. I layed my on Noah's shoulder. "I know we literally just started 'dating' like 30 minutes ago but, I really love you." Noah whispered while playing with my hand. "Stop making me feel things" I giggled. "It's true. And I noticed you wore the same clothes from the day we met and kissed for the first time. Bryson just i don't know blocked me from being closer." "Noah, You know that I loved him but saw that he was obsessive and mentally abusive." Bryson was. He wanted me to stay with him and fought for me. I don't know why I even made a move on him. "Fuck I'm cold. Look at the shit I'm wearing a striped crop top jeans and white Converse... I'm cold. " I complained. It was January and we were upstate of course it was cold. "oh I'll take care of that" said Noah while taking off his jacket. He wrapped it around me and lifted my hair. While trying to put my head back I hit my head of the metal shaking the whole ferris wheel. I held on to Noah. "Stop shaking it was nothing it's ok" "ughh why are you like this" "because I love you" "I love you too"
       We began to climb down. Noah got down first. I was shaking. About half way down, my foot slipped. "Y/N!" Noah yelled. I screamed. My heart was racing. I shook the whole way down. I was close to the ground. I felt happy because my fear was being faced. My feet slipped. Both of them. I have no upper body strength so I was ready to fall. "Y/N I'll try to catch you I promise. I'll catch you and never let go. I promise." "y-y-y-you sure?" "yes." I let go. He catched me and said "you were literally two feet off the ground. You're too adorable" "NOAHH!!!" He laughed. We continued to walk.
         "Did you hear that?" Asked Noah. "Noah it's the air." "No it was coming from the hall of mirrors" we walked closer to it. I heard sounds. When it was clearer I heard low groaning sounds and mumbling. "We're not alone." I told Noah. "If we aren't then they must have fun in there. Let's go inside it seems fun" Noah joked. We went silent. "bRySoN!". I covered my mouth. Noah's jaw dropped. I stepped back and fell on a can. Noah picked me up but it was to late. The loud crash was already made. "wait baby did you hear that?" "yeah I did someone's here" "oh my god there going to kill us!" You could hear the terrible acting in their voices. "oh my gosh. Y/N, your ex "boyfriend" and ex "best friend" are boning each other..." "Noah stop I know." "Do you think they're following us?" "To make me jealous? Hell yeah." Noah grabbed my hand and dragged me into the hall of mirrors. Our footsteps we're uncontrollably loud. We turned a corner and saw Ellen and Bryson laying down. I squeezed Noah's hand. Ellen stood up. I let go of Noah and slapped her. "Fuck. You. Stop being fucking perverted piece of shits and go fuck some where else. You know what stop fucking following us. I'm fed up with your bullshit. Leave. Get your fucking wet panties and leave. Bryson I can't believe I ever loved you. Leave all the sluts alone and go beat off into your fucking sock." Noah pulled me back. "Calm down." Noah whispered in my ear. "Ok let's go.  I don't want to see these shits anymore" I walked out of there holding Noah's hand. "Wait Y/N I need to tell you something" I turned around and see Bryson running towards us. "Y/N i never got over you I've been trying to make you jealous I still love you come back to me please I love you." I continued to walk. I ignored him. Amd I was still holding Noah's hand. "I. Don't. Love. You." I kissed Noah passionately to show that I loved him. "I love you tree-hugger." "I love you too No-No" I said with a smile.

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