principal's office.

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  song; Void by The Neighbourhood (i ligit couldnt find anywhere to put it and i needed this)

         "What happened out there" interrogated Josh. "Noth-" the bell interrupted my words. "going to science so much fun! Where Y/N is a nerd and Ellen is a slut! Mrs. Higgins really really hates me and hopefully... I don't get a D!" Josh continued his song. "Shut upppp" I clammored "See your a huge science nerd. Mrs Higgins loves you. Mainly because you're doing 'How Can You Stop Electromagnetic Radiation From Penetrating a Certain Area'. You're a huge science nerd. Deal with it." "No I'm not!" I replied in a frustrated baby tone.

         We walked by the principal's office. Noah walked out but Bryson was still sitting down with Mr. Montgomery, our principal. "Hi Noah!" I yelled "Oh Hi Y/N!!" Noah replied. He rushed over to us. "What happened in there? Did you get  in serious trouble?" I questioned.  "Oh for me not much a few days of detention but for Bryson, they're talking about suspension." Josh butted in with his iconic voice-cracky voice, "HoLy ShiT"  "woah, suspension?!" Wow Bryson is just- wow.
       "Anyhoo, what class do you have next?" I asked Noah hoping he had the same class as Josh and I did. "Science. In Mrs Karen Higgins' class. What about you?" Me and Josh looked at each other.  "Welcome to the Honors Science class. Where Y/N is a science nerd and Ellen is a slut. Enjoy!" Said Josh with a smile. "Umm ok" Noah replied with a dry chuckle.
      Noah had some bandages on his face. Oddly, I found it like he was a fighter... A really cute one hehe. We turned the corner and there was Mrs. Higgins saying welcome to the students. "Hi how are you! Oh hello!" When we walked up to the door, we heard what we expected. "Oh hi Y/N! Hello Josh. Oh You must be our new student Noah! Ellen is there any free seats?" Ellen replied with her fake sweetie voice with "yes Mrs Higgins there's one next to Y/N!" Mrs. Higgins turned to us again and told Noah to sit next to me.
       We walked to our seat. Putting out our utensils, Ellen knocked Noah's notebook off his desk. "Oops" giggled Ellen. "Bitch" mumbled Noah. "No it's ok Noah. At least I love you." I grit my teeth after I said that. "I love you too." He touched my hand. The tardy bell rang causing me and Noah to jump out of our moment. "Um can I meet you by your locker today, after science?" Asked Noah.

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