Chapter 5. James' POV

Start from the beginning

"PHILLIP!! YOU EVIL COWARD!" William harshly yelled.

I saw Phillip standing a few metres away from me looking dull-eyed and cross. He folded his arms and stood straight, trying to empower us.


"NOO!! HOW CAN I?' William shouted.

"I felt so angry what happened yesterday when he back chatted at me! I walked outside and stayed there for a while when I got insulted by him. I actually was planning what to do with him. I actually wanted to kill him and the knife was supposed to hit him in the chest, but it missed and it ended up hitting him only on the shoulder. I found that thick knife on the ground yesterday when I was throwing my tantrums. It looked nice and sharp enough to kill James, but the plan got unsuccessful", Phillip said, and his tone sounded dramatic. I was shocked of what I heard. Phillip was actually about to kill me, because of what happened yesterday? I actually never though this day would come. It was an outrage!

My body was shaking and my heart still beating so quickly.

"WHAT? SO YOU WERE TRYING TO KILL JAMES? YOU'RE SO CRUEL, PHILIP! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE LIVING IN THIS WORLD!" William yelled and gave Phillip a nasty look. I wish I could too, but seeing that I'm almost unconscious, I can't. Phillip needs a hiding in his life. He definitely needs to learn and act like a human-being.


"WE DO GET IT! WE WORK SO HARD, AND YET YOU DON'T APPRECIATE US? WE'RE MORE HARDWORKING THAN YOU!" William yelled and his tone sounded emotional too. He started weeping and tears started streaming down his exhausted and dirty face.

"ENOUGH!" Phillip yelled.

"We've had enough of you, Phillip!" Someone said and his voice sounded shaky.

"Shall I strangle you like I did to that boy?" Phillip asked that boy angrily.

"We-ell, n-n-o-o", The boy responded emotionally.

William suddenly picked me up into his arms like a baby and started running out from the factory. He was running as fast as a cheetah. He was panting though. Where was he taking me? To my house or where? I think it was maybe to get myself healed, because definitely I needed to get healed. I couldn't resist the pain anymore. I looked over to William's shoulder to see if Phillip was running after us. Thankfully he wasn't. Maybe he was a slow runner or what?

"Hey, William. Where are we going?" I eagerly asked and my voice sounded croaked.

"To your home. You need to get healed", William said.

"But I don't think my house has any First Aid Kit or anything", I said sounding concerned.

"You sure about that?" William asked.

"Yeah", I responded.

"Well, let's maybe wait outside your front yard. You never know, Maria maybe outside. She may help", William said.

"Yeah, good idea!" I replied.


After ten minutes of running away from Phillip and from the factory, we were outside my front yard. I was sitting on the ground, but William had his arms around my shoulder for support. I felt so free we ran away from Phillip and from the factory, especially quite early. I wish I never had to go back. This is like a peace now with the angels.

"I hope she comes", I say eagerly.

"Hopefully", William responded.

"Hello there, boys!" Maria's voice called out from behind the bushes when they created a rustling melody. She waved at us cheerfully and we waved back. She was wearing the same clothes she wore the day before yesterday except with a huge, teal-coloured hair on top of her head. She however looked concerned when she made eye contact with me. Her eyebrows dropped down and her mouth opened a little.

"Woah, James! Are you ok?" She asked and her voice sounded concerned. She ran towards me and crouched down. She gently touched my right shoulder and I hurt a little when she touched it.

"We ran away from the factory. We thought if we wait outside of James' front yard, you may arrive", William said.

"Well , it's good you did so. How did this happen?" Maria asked eagerly.

William cleared his throat first then spoke:

"Phillip threw a thick knife hardly and it hit his shoulder. He then told us that he was actually gonna kill him by throwing the knife into his chest, but James survived. Phillip had missed it and I'm glad that happened. He had found that knife yesterday on the ground after James mocked him", William said.

"Woah! Now that's harsh!" Maria said. "Wait I think I have a bandage cast in my bag! I always have one in my bag, because I sometimes trip over onto the ground when running quick. I'll give this to you, James", Maria said and as always, she sounded sympathetic.

She unzipped her bag and looked though her bag to find the bandage cast. In a few seconds time, she took out a bandage cast. It was clean and so white. It was long too and I think perfect enough to get wrapped around his shoulder. She went a bit closer towards James, pulled down the shirt from the shoulder down a bit so the shoulder and the wound could be viewed. She grabbed a lot of wipes from her bag and cleaned off the blood that was situated, .She wrapped the cast slowly and carefully round and around James' right shoulder. After a few moments, James' shoulder was covered' with the cast. She then pulled up the shirt back up.

"Thanks so much, Maria! I feels a lot better!" I thanked and gave her a smile.

"You're welcome!" Maria said and smiled back.

"Thanks for saving James!" William said.

"It's ok!" Maria said. "You took out the knife out from his shoulder, right?"

"Yes. I did it slowly and carefully so I wouldn't try to hurt him", William responded.

"You did it perfectly, William", I said.

"Glad I did. I didn't want to hurt you", William said.

"So, are you boys not going back to the factory?" Maria asked.

"No. Not after what Phillip did", I replied.

"Yeah. What he did was exceptionally cruel", Maria said.

"So, where can we go?" William asked.

"To your house to visit?" I said giving off a perpetual smile.

"Yes, you can do that!" Maria said excitedly. "Wait, do your parents know you're here at this very moment?"

"Oh, no!" I said sounding a bit embarrassed.

"That's ok. You can tell them maybe later of what happened. After all, explains these kinds of situations to parents can take a long time", Maria said.

"Yeah. We'll go seek for permission now", William said. "I'll run to my house to ask my parents, and you do the same thing for yours, James".

"Ok!" I responded.

I stood up from the ground, walked towards my door, knocked onto it and waited for someone to open it. A few moments later, I saw it was my Dad. He looked shocked when he saw me. His mouth turned in the shape of an O and his greasy, grey, Curley hair was so wild and messy and it looked as if he never brushes them. His silvery blue eyes were like a mirror because I I could view my own reflection in them. My Father was in his early fifties and had plenty of wrinkles situated on his face. He had no eyebrows, which actually somehow made him looked friendly. He as thin as a twig and had a fat nose that looked like a horn.

I hope he wouldn't ask me a thousand questions like 'Why are you here so early? Why's there blood on your shirt etc.'

I took a deep breathe and calmed down. I hope he'll let me go to Maria's house. I was desperate to know what her house what look like.

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