Chapter Ten: Another Strange School Day

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   Himara stormed off to Airia's house to grill her for answers. Even though Himara has declared the end of her and Airia's friendship to Skye, she just wanted some answers.

   Walking up Airia's driveway, she noticed in the corner of her eye that Airia was already walking to school. Are you kidding me, she left without waiting?! Himara screamed in her mind. She spun around and dashed down the street to catch up with Airia.

   Finally arriving a few feet away from Airia, she stopped in her tracks and walked at her normal pace, making a facade that she just somehow caught up without noticing, for Himara didn't want to seem like she wanted to talk to Airia.

   "Oh, hey Airia! Didn't see you walking.How are you?" Himara asked with a fake smile.

   "Hi, Himara," Airia began with a grumpy tone. "I'm still sick, but my stupid mom made me go to school because I'm "getting better"." she made a quiet gasp, and tried to hide it. "I like your necklace, w-where'd you get it?"

   Himara, knowing that Airia obviously saw the news, thought on her feet and said the first thing that came to mind. "I don't know. It just suddenly appeared on me when I came back after I touched that weird orb thing."

   "Oh." Airia opened her mouth like she was about to say something else, but quickly shut it.

   Knowing that she was going to ask about the orb and tremor situation, Himara said, "Ya know, no one has asked me about what happened. I mean, I know Mr. Bodamar told everyone to not bug me, but no one listens to the principal. I'm surprised neither you or Skye has," she hinted, while they turned the corner. Himara noticed that Airia's face turned tomato red out of nervousness.

   "Y-yeah... Oh, I don't see Skye here today," Airia shakily said with an anxious look on her face.

   Oh yes, this is gonna be a fun day... I think I'll start asking abou the news at lunch. No one else with probably tell me anything... Himara planned in her head with a devious grin.


   *BRIIIIING* * BRIIIIING* It was time for lunch. Himara rushed to her locker, fumbled with the lock, threw in her books, snatched her lunch bag and half ran, half walked to the cafeteria. Entering the grand cafeteria, she spotted Airia sitting with a group of other girls. Marching towards her table, Himara muttered under her breath, "Time to give Airia a grilled question sandwich."

   Airia's eyes moved to Himara and she hurriedly moved away from the group of girls, knowing from the look on Himara's face that she wanted to talk. Himara slowly plopped down across from Airia and started her interrogation with a false sense of positivity. "Hiya Airia! How's your day going?"

   "Good, h-how's yours?" she responded, showing a rising anxiety level.

   "Fine. By the way, I have a question for you. Has anyone talked about me lately?" Himara asked, showing a fake sense of cluelessness.

   "N-no...not that I-I know of..." She was starting to shake now.

   "Weeeell, I saw the weirdest thing on the news this morning. It was breaking news, and it was all abou me and how a lot of people think I'm to blaim for these earthquakes!" Himara announced, now realizing that all th chatter in the vast cafeteria was fading away.

   "Alright Himara, you got us. We all told the news office about what happened. We just wanted some exciting stuff to go on here, okay? If it wasn't you, wouldn't you want this to happen?" Airia gave in, her face turning bright tomato red again.

The Crystal Keepers Book One: Divine FireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon