Chapter Thirteen: Discouragement

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   The two of them released their embrace. "So where are we off to?" Yūro questioned with his eyes still locked on Himara's.

   "Well, I say we do a thorough search around your town. You know, walk through all the streets with a crystal," Himara answered, remaining shaking.

   "Sure! But it won't take long. It's not a town, more like a village. No, a couple of buildings." Yūro seemed a bit saddened.

   "Well, there's no harm in trying!" Himara announced with a bright smile.

   "Let us go."

   They strolled over to the edge of the hill and gazed downwards. It was pretty steep, however not a total 90 degrees.

   "Careful, I don't want you to fall..," Yūro spoke softly.

   "I'll try not to..."

   They slowly and diligently worked their way down the side of the hill, along the dirt path that was carved into the leaf green grass. However when they were about halfway, Himara slipped and fell on her bottom roughly and cursed under her breath.

   "Are you okay?" Yūro asked anxiously, running as fast as he could towards her.

   "Fine, but I think I might've torn my dress..."

   Yūro held out his hand. "Here, I'll help you up."

   A flashback interrupted Himara's thoughts. The scene of when she first met Kuchi popped up. It was almost the exact same situation... Himara furiously shook her head and took Yūro's left hand with her right. He helped her up and squeezed her hand tightly, signaling for her not to let go.

   "I don't want you to fall again." Yūro whispered with concern.

   Himara smiled and felt her cheeks begin to burn up. Lifting her left foot and starting to climb down, she said in return, "Thank you, Yūro." She observed that his cheeks also turned a light shade of strawberry red.

   Still holding hands, they finally reached the bottom. "Phew! Thank goodness that's over..." Himara breathed a deep sigh of relief.

   "Yeah... So let's start our patrol around Brunin. Oh, Brunin is the name of these four houses and library." Yūro gestured with his right hand towards the familiar intersection where they first met.

   "Wow, this IS smaller than I thought..."

   They trooped over to the intersection and Himara was instantly engrossed in the fountain's peaceful noise of trickling water.

   "So the house here on the right is mine and the one on the left belongs to..." He went on and on about everyone who lived in the four houses. "...and that there is the Brunin Library, where apparently you can always find an answer there. But anyway, that concludes your tour of Brunin!..Himara? Hellooooooo?" He stepped over to Himara and waved his right hand in her face to get her attention.

   "H-huh? Sorry, this fountain is so..." She was hypnotized by the fountain once again.

   "You are one unique the way, how old are you?" Yūro flashed his hand again in Himara's face.

   "Uh, f-fourteen. Becoming fifteen in December. How about you?" She refrained from staring at the fountain and faced Yūro.

   "Whoa... That's the same as me... But what's Decimbrey?"

   "N-never mind..." Himara couldn't help but snicker. "I'll make a crystal now." She held her left hand out in a cupping position and concentrated...she imagined a crystal being created...and soon enough, a translucent crystal fabricated above her slightly golden hand. It gleamed in a soft, lightning yellow glow. "Yes!!" Himara cheered. "Now let's go close to every house and see where it glows the brightest."

   And so they walked near the first three houses, and no luck. Himara was getting discouraged. "Aw...this is harder than I thought."

   "Don't worry, there's still one house left! Don't lose hope yet!" Yūro reassured.

   They strolled to the final house that was across from Yūro's which would be the one on the right if you came from the hill. Himara held out the crystal towards the oaken door and it erupted in a golden yellow light.

   "This is it! The Crystal Keeper of Thunder is here!" Himara cheered, ecstatic.

   They walked up to and knocked on the mud brown door. An elderly woman answered it and looked as if she was in her eighties, at least. "Anything I can do for you children?" she croaked kindly.

   "Good evening, Madam. Is there anyone else who occupies this house?" Yūro asked with courtesy.

   "No no... It's just me. My, what is that dazzling gem you are holding, young miss?" The old woman pointed with her wrinkly left hand at the crystal.

   "It is my prized treasure. Would you like to touch it?" Himara approached the woman.

   "Why not?" The elderly woman extended her left hand and gingerly touched the glowing crystal. Nothing happened.

   The woman checked her brown leather watch that was around her right wrist. "My apologies, but I must go. Farewell!" The old woman shut the door.

   "Grr... Now what? There's obviously no one else here that could be one... Agh I'm gonna hate when people have a strong element in them and they're not a Keeper..," Himara grunted with frustration.

   "I've got and idea! We should ask people if they know someone that is good at either water, wind or thunder magic!" Yūro suggested with confidence, but also quite irritated.

   "Hmm...I guess that'd be a good second start. Okay! Let's go to the house across the path."

   The pair of Crystal Keepers headed off for a second start at the search for their teammates, already frustrated and discouraged from their last attempt.


   I really hope you are enjoying my story so far!! I'm trying my best to describe everything completely, and I hope it's working! Please comment with feedback!!! I really wanna know what people think of this so far.

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