Chapter Eight: The Search Begins

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   Himara shook her head hard and flicked it with her right hand to try to forget what just happened. Stop thinking about it! Focus and make a crystal to see if it turns a different color. she demanded herself in her mind.

   So she held her hands out in the same way as before and concentrated hard. Instantly, a clear crystal formed above Himara's cupped hands. "Phew! Glad I was able to make one by myself," she cheered happily.

   A surge of baby blue light swirled inside the crystal. Himara smiled wide excitedly but it quickly disappeared once the light faded. "What?! Oh come on..," she said glumly. "Well, I guess I should start by heading to the nearest town I find. Now...Oh, I see some lights in the distance," Himara observed. The lights were coming from the left side of the field.

   That was when Himara noticed that it was dusk. She checked her watch: 6:03 p.m. "Huh, I guess sundown happens earlier here, " she muttered to herself while turning left and slowly walking towards the lights.

   Himara reached the edge of the field and realized she was on a hill. She observed the dirt path etched into the leaf green grass. Himara was quite shocked to see a small town, much like hers. There were modern houses and buildings, however not that much. More dirt paths connected each building and there was one that led out of the mini city. The town was a long ways down the hill, which surprised Himara because she didn't think she was that high.

   Himara tried to go as fast as she could down the slightly steep hill, but still being conscientious as to watch her step. After four minutes of carefully but quickly walking down the hill, Himara arrived just a few steps away from the town when the crystal that was still clenched in Himara's hand glowed in a light mud brown color. "Yes! The Crystal Keeper of..," Himara thought for a moment. "...Earth must be near."

   Himara decided that she would stroll around the city and find where the crystal shines the most and knock on the nearest door. That is, before she took the first step inside the town. When she walked in, she found herself between two houses on either side and a fountain in the middle of an intersection in front of the two houses and suddenly, a man came out from in front of the house on the right.

   The man approached Himara cautiously and she quickly hid the crystal behind her back and made it disappear. "Who are you? We haven't had any visitors for a while. And what was that you hid behind your back?" the man asked curiously, staying a few meters away from Himara.

   He had a moderately deep voice and chin length, dirt brown hair that was parted in the middle amd a tad bit curly. He was also quite muscular like Kuchi. Stop thinking about him!! He wore a baggy, half cut off bark brown tank top and long, dark brown, almost black cargo shorts. He also had plain mud brown shoes.

   "I am Himara Shawā. I'm here to look for someone. And...there's nothing behind my back. See?" Himara removed her hands from behind her and put them out palm up.

   "I know I saw you with something...but fine, I'll act like you didn't. My name is Chikyūro No-Funkanyo. And yes, I am aware that it is a very strange name but it means "earth eruption" in a foreign language in the non-magic realm. So you can call me Yūro for short." He flashed a cheerful smile and walked closer to Himara, realizing she's not dangerous.

   His name means "earth eruption"...he must be the Keeper of Earth with a name like that! Himara told herself in her mind. "You won't believe this, but I'm from the other dimension."

   "You?! How? Why?" Yūro asked, shocked.

   "It's a long story...but I am one five people called Crystal Keepers and we are on a mission to defeat Shadoe and re-balance the light and darkness. I am so far, the only one and I am here to look for the others by..." Himara explained everything.

   " that's how and why I'm here."

   "Wow!! That's you have to leave soon?" Yūro asked.

   "No, around the time it gets really dark. By the way...sorry for lying before..."

   "...lying? About what?"

   "This is what I hid behind my back." Himara held her hands out and summoned a crystal. I gleamed in a light mud brown aura again. But this time, it was brighter. In fact, it seemed to shine brighter than the if the Keeper of Earth was standing very close by...

   "I knew it! But I forgive you." He smiled pleasantly. "So it's shining very brightly...that means a Crystal Keeper is near, right?"

   "Yep! In fact...I think you are the Crystal Keeper of Earth!" Himara announced brightly. "Touch the crystal."

   "Me? Okay..." Yūro came closer to Himara and reached out to the glistening crystal.

   That was when Himara noticed how good looking Yūro was. Her heart started to flutter as he came closer, just like with Kuchi. S-stop thinking about Kuchi!! Himara was frustrated with herself for still having him in her head.

   The light from the crystal reflected on Yūro's charming emerald green eyes. He slowly picked up the crystal with both his hands. The crystal exploded with spectacular mud brown light. It dimmed and suddenly, a chain emerged from two opposite sides of the light brown crystal, wrapped and secured itself around Yūro's neck, just like what happened to Himara.

   "There! Now your powers are activated," she announced.

   " I guess I'm with you now," Yūro said to Himara.

   "Yup. Now you're a Crystal Keeper like me! The Crystal Keeper of Earth, in fact. And now you have to help me search for the others and eventually, defeat Shadoe."

   "'s a bit nerve-racking. But I know we can do it. Especially with you on our team." A smile crept slowly across his face and Himara's cheeks burned as he placed his hand on her cheek, holding her head gently as he moved closer to her face.

   It's happening again!! Himara thought anxiously. Why me... At least he's on my side and he's kinda cute. But I still can't...

   Yūro began to move in for a kiss, but Himara quickly pulled away. "S-sorry. I have to go. I-it's getting darker."

   His smile faded and he had a disappointed look on his face. "Okay. I guess I'll see you here tomorrow at the same time?"

   "Yeah. B-bye Yūro!!" Himara said as cheerfully as she could.

   "I'll hone my new magic skills while you're gone. See you!" He waved farewell with a handsome smile on his pearly pink lips that calmed Himara's soul.

   She waved back and started her gruelling trek back up the towering hill. Himara trudged to the peak and found the glowing orb of light once again. She checked her watch: 7:54 p.m. She's been gone for four hours. "I hope Auntie and Unc are back from...wherever they went," she thought out loud and touched the way too familiar white orb.

   So many thoughts and questions circulated through Himara's mind as she was being transported to her dimension. Too many to count. But when she arrived back in her dim room, she was just glad to be home.

   What an eventful day...Gah!! Out of everything that happened, I can't get Kuchi out of my head...he still makes my heart race when I think about him...Ahh!!! Why?!

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