Chapter Twenty-Seven: This Isn't Possible

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"I think it's coming from there," Himara said as she pointed to a house behind a vibrant garden.

"Well, duh. It says 'Bakery' on the door!" Kazera huffed as she stomped towards the saffron bricked building.

"What's her problem?" Himara mouthed to Yūro and he shrugged in return.

"It's because she's still mad at me for standing up to her..," Kami grieved.

"Don't worry, she'll get over it," Yūro soothed.

Kami gave a tender smile and they waltzed up to the wooden door of the bakery.

Kazera had a stern face with her lips pursed as she waited for them to come. "What took you so long?" she hissed as they climbed the steps to the porch, creating loud creaks.

"We wanted to take our time and admire the pretty flowers," Kami told her firmly with a confident smirk.

Kazera's eyes narrowed and she demanded, "Let's go in."

She rotated the rusted door knob and shoved the door open in a flight of anger. The four of them entered in cautiously and found themselves in a brightly decorated, spacious room with glass shelves lining the walls containing assorted kinds of freshly baked breads. A rustic cash register stood on the counter at the middle of the room and behind was a girl that looked just a tad older than Himara, with shadow black hair that had streaks of blossom pink through it. She looked up to see who had come in, and her sea blue eyes widened in curiosity.

"Hello!" Kami greeted while scooting over to the counter.

"Um, hi," the girl said quietly while examining the rest of the four as they all trooped over to her. "Anything you um, need?"

"Yes," Yūro spoke up. "we would like some bread."

The girl's eyes seemed to sparkle as she gazed at Yūro. "Of course. One loaf is four kits, and two is six." and she paced over to one of the glass shelves containing plain bread.

"What's a 'kit'?" Himara whispered to Kazera.

Kazera sighed. "It's what we use to pay for things!"

"How much equals a dollar?"

"What's a dollar?"

"Never mind..."

"So how many d'you want?" the girl asked.

"Six!" Kami shouted as her stomach growled loudly like a roaring lion.

"Shh," demanded Yūro.

"But I'm hungry!!" Kami whined and crossed her arms fervently.

"Shut up!" Kazera freaked.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Stop!" Himara said angrily. "Sorry," she muttered to the girl. "but these two don't seem to get along. Let's go," she ordered as she ushered Kazera and Kami outside, leaving Yūro with the girl. Slamming the door shut behind her, Himara's face contorted into an expression of pure fury. "You guys have to stop it and learn to deal with each other!" she barked.

"What's your problem?" Kazera asked dumbly.

"I can't handle you two arguing all the time!!"

"You deal with it," Kami spat. "It's Kazera who always starts it! And I try to be friendly but she chooses to be a stuck up brat!"

"Oh, I'm the brat? Look who's talking," Kazera retorted sarcastically.

"Seriously, give it a rest! If we're gonna save the world, we should at least get along," Himara told them sternly.

There was a moment of silence. "...fine. I guess I'll try to be friends with her," Kazera gave in.

"Yay!!" Kami cheered while hugging Kazera, who pulled away out of disgust.

"Ugh, don't even try," she said to Kami, who was beaming.

She's always so happy...I wish I was like her. Himara thought to herself as a warm smile spread across her lips.

That was when the door to the bakery opened and out came Yūro, who had a loaf of bread in each hand. The smell filled Himara once again, which caused her mouth to salivate.

"Yes!! Food time!!" Kami announced while snatching a loaf and bolting towards the bench where Himara woke up.

Yūro tittered and Kazera rolled her eyes. "She's such a child," Himara giggled and they jogged to Kami, who had already chomped down half the loaf.

"This bread is SO good," Kami exclaimed as the three sat down with her on the old wooden bench and she gobbled down the rest of the bread.

"So I guess we share this one loaf..," Kazera said.

"Yep! I'd love to have it, but I guess we do have to share," Kami replied.

Himara marveled at Kami's voracious appetite and her, Yūro and Kazera quickly finished the second loaf.

"D'you think I should make another crystal?" Himara inquired.

"Sure, but I doubt it'll change color," Yūro told her while licking his fingers.

Himara made a crystal as she outstretched her palms in front of herself. The crystal twinkled in the sun's light and a tiny shimmer of baby blue light erupted inside. Himara already knew that the person causing the light was not in town, but farther away. Because if they were in the vicinity of Violette, she knew the light would be brighter.

They all sighed. "Guess we'll have to keep walking..," Himara groaned, which made the other three understand what she had thought in her head.

Suddenly, a flashing sphere of blinding white light fabricated a couple of meters away from the bench. Himara recognized the light immediately; it was Celestia.

Kami and Kazera shrieked in unison of complete surprise. "Aah! What is that?!" Kazera cried.

"Shush! It's Celestia," Himara explained. "The Goddess of Light."

The two of them gasped whereas Yūro peered at the light with a fascinated expression.

"Hello my Crystal Keepers," Celestia greeted gracefully.

Kami ran forward and bowed before the light. "Hello oh dear Goddess of Light."

Celestia made a light little laugh. "No need Keeper of Thunder, Kami. But anyways, I see you are only missing one of your team."

"Y-yes," Himara agreed. "Can you give us any help?"

"Well in fact, that is what I came here for; to tell you where to find them. Now, I'm quite surprised that you haven't found him yet-"

So it's a guy...

"-because he's been around you for a while, even though you don't notice him."

"What do you mean?" Yūro questioned, furrowing his brow.

"Have you not noticed who you have seen either before or after you see the blue light?"

That was when Himara's mind clicked, and a lightbulb lit up. She gasped loudly. "No..."

"Yes, I'm afraid it's true."

"But how?! That's not possible!" Himara shouted, getting agitated.

"You are the I must leave. Good luck on the rest of your journey," Celestia's voice faded away and the light dimmed until it vanished completely.

"I don't understand! Who is she talking about!? Who's the Keeper of Water?" Kami pestered.

"This isn't can't be possible!!" Himara grimaced.

"Who are you talking about?!" Kazera asked loudly.

"Th-the Keeper of Water"

"Is WHO?!" the three demanded simultaneously.

"Is Kuchi Mizuru!!" Himara announced with an unidentified expression, showing very mixed emotions.

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