Chapter Eighteen: Something Unexpected

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   Himara let out an exasperated sigh and waltzed into her math class as if she wasn't late again. Mrs. Rutt was writing questions for homework on a chalkboard across the room from the door. Thus, her back was turned facing Himara. She snuck in her seat, completely noticing the trying-to-be-subtle giggles and gasps from the other students.

   Mrs. Rutt spun abruptly on her heels and demanded, "What is it that causes all the chatter?" Her terra-cotta colored eyes roamed around the classroom like the crosshairs on a gun, searching for the source of the noises. The locked on Himara and an evil smirk slithered across Mrs. Rutt's raspberry red lips. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Himara Shawā being late for math once again. So, Miss Shawā, why are you late today?"

   "I-I was seeing Mr. Bodamar..." Himara was worried that the other students would snicker more, however they seemed to remember what occurred at lunch and shut their gleeful, grinning mouths.

   "Well, try to see where we are and you cannot ask for help." Himara was about to say something, but Mrs. Rutt interrupted. "And no buts. Get to it, then."

   Himara groaned under her breath and didn't focus at all. All she thought was that she can't even see Airia because of what happened. It would be too awkward, and she'd probably just make fun of me, anyway... she thought miserably. I'll probably be known as the school freak, even though Mr. Bodamar thought it was special effects, not everyone must agree. She sighed. Guess I'll have to leave quickly after school.

   During the afternoon break, Himara just spent it in the bathroom, hiding from her shame. She was too frightened to see anyone, even Skye. Not knowing quite exactly what the reason was, Himara sat on the toilet cover and waited patiently for the bell to ring again. Because of the grand size of the bathroom, the bell thundered throughout, every echo sending relentless waves of stinging pain to Himara's eardrums.


   The rest of the day went just as she had hoped for. Hiding behind corners, holding books open across her face and hurriedly rushing away from people.

   On her way home, the sun beat down on Himara with its onslaught of blinding rays of light. There was not a cloud in the baby blue sky and scarcely any winds. Although there was a slight breeze, a zephyr. It stroked Himara's legs tenderly with its delicate hands and weaves through her outstretched fingers. She always enjoyed all of nature's creations mlfar more than anyone else she knows. Himara would be the only person twirling in the rain during a summer storm, letting the rain gingerly kiss her cheeks while everyone else would be dry in the shelter of a building.

   That was when the most peculiar thing happened.

   Suddenly, Himara gazed up to admire the clear sky, and found that swirls of stone grey clouds were gathering above the city, announcing that a storm was coming in a few seconds.

   "Woah... It was clear a second ago. That's so weird... It's as if someone was," Himara muttered capriciously to herself. She was now quite apprehensive, sensing that a dark force was near.

   Suddenly, a soft voice entered her mind and whispered seductively, yet still hauntingly, "Himara... I know what you're thinking..," in a taunting tone. "In faaaact, I'm waiting for you right now, at this very second..."

   Thunder boomed across the land and white hot lightning ripped through the clouds as if they were made of cotton candy. The lightning resembled a word, however Himara could not decipher it until it became so vivid, she could swear she was dreaming. A shiver of sheer cold ran up her spine when she realized what the lightning had spelled out. Etched into the clouds there was HIMARA fabricated by the lightning.

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