Chapter Twenty-Five: One Left

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   The behemoth looked like an oover-sized dog, however much more fearsome. It had four muscular legs that had veins bulging here and there, a face like that of a bull, with large nostrils that flared with every breath and two dark grey horns jutting out from either side. The behemoth also had a tuft of blackish-orangish hair on the top of its head and grape purple skin that made it look like a living nightmare.

   Kami shrieked continuously behind the three, and Himara couldn't help but shiver a little too; the behemoth was quite scary. They might've been nearly frozen with fear, but their instinct kicked in just as the creature charged at them.

   Snarling and snorting, the behemoth flung itself at them like there was no tomorrow. But amazingly enough, the three of them reacted just in time to dodge their death; Yūro put his left arm around Kami's waist and agilely jumped over to the left with her; Himara and Kazera followed and watched the beast go to a screeching halt and turn around to see the four of them huddled in a circle.

   "So we just all do our attacks at like, the same time?" Kazera inquired.

   "Yeah, I think it'll work," Yūro assured.

   "B-but what'll I do?!" Kami piped anxiously as she peered at the behemoth, pawing its right hoof in the ground and preparing to run at them.

   "Take this," Himara told her while handing her a glimmering, lemon yellow crystal.

   " this?" Kami asked as she clasped the crystal in her hands.

   "Tell ya after!!" Himara shouted as her, Yūro and Kazera dashed in different directions and the behemoth growled in puzzlement.

   All of a sudden, the lemon yellow light in the crystal erupted around Kami. She yelped in surprise, but could feel a warmth in her. The crystal hovered up and a pure silver chain bursted out of either side, which encircled her neck and then the light faded, but stayed in the crystal.




   Kami gazed at the spectacle in front of her; Himara, Yūro and Kazera were all using some form of magic to attack the behemoth, which had somehow been frozen to the spot. Himara was blasting red-hot flames at it; Yūro fabricated a crack in the ground with his axe, which then surrounded the beast and punctured in with spikes; and Kazera was floating high in the air and threw an enormous tornado at it with her spear. Kami's eyes widened and watched as the three magic attacks struck the behemoth, killing it instantly and it fading into thin, night black mist.

   The three rushed over to Kami. "Thanks Kami, we could not have done it without your help!" Himara exclaimed with a thankful smile.

   "Yeah, I thought it'd be impossible to stop that thing," Yūro told Kami appreciatively.

   "You're like, SO much cooler than I thought you were..," Kazera said with a hint of envy in her voice.

   Kami was befuddled. "I-I've no clue what you're saying! I didn't do anything!"

   The trio looked at her, puzzled. "But didn't you shoot lightning at it?" Himara asked.

   "N-not that I'm aware of..," Kami replied.

   " must have been too focused on you're crystal and because you have so much power in you, there was a release of energy. Good thing it went to the right place!" Yūro hypothesized.

   Kami was still confused. "So what's with this crystal? Why did it react to me? How were you guys able to use magic when everyone's power have been sealed away? And why-"

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