Chapter Twenty-Six: Violets in Violette

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   The four, Himara, Yūro, Kazera and Kami, all worked their way along the seemingly never-ending dirt path. And all the scenery around them was always the same; murky forests, vast meadows, lonely fields...

   Kami jogged ahead of the three with excitement surging through her body. And through desperate calls and scolds, Kazera and Yūro just couldn't seem to slow her down.

   "Just let her...wouldn't you be excited to go to somewhere you've always wanted to go?" Himara questioned as they continued their journey to Violette.

   "I guess, but..," Yūro began but stopped himself quickly, as if he said too much.

   "But...what?" Himara asked intriguingly as she observed Kazera's ears perk up, showing that she was listening in carefully.

   Yūro looked forward with his dazzling, emerald green eyes. They were glazed in deep thought and he didn't seem to blink for a while. Himara assumed he didn't want to talk about whatever he was going to say, so she turned he head to see a faint skyline in the distance and Kami picking up speed.

   "But," Yūro started once again and Himara jerked her head to the right, where he was walking stiffly beside her. "...the further we go to the east, the amount of darkness slowly increases. Because my grandfather told me that at the edge of the world, or what they call the 'Edge of Eternity', there is the place where darkness lives and reigns. But it's been slowly spreading across Altemia and the closer we go to it, the darkness grows..."

   Himara could see a tiny glint on the top of his cheek near his eye, which she knew was a tear. But why was he crying? He can't be scared, I know he isn't. But why...?

   Not wanting to pursue any further answers, Himara changed the subject as fast as she could, for the silence that followed was depressing.

   "Look, I think we're almost there!"

   Himara, Yūro and Kazera all looked straight to find a quaint little town with a few tall towers and hundreds of marvelous flowers. They quickened their pace, nearly catching up to Kami. Huffing, and puffing, they stepped onto the ripe grass of Violette. Kazera waltzed up behind Kami, who had her mouth agape and staring at everything.

   Kazera breathed in to calm her furious self. "...why the hell didn't you stop when I told you to?!" she hissed.

   Kami spun around, stood in her tiptoes and told Kazera bravely and firmly, "Because, it's been my dream to come here." She then spun on her heels and ran off to explore, leaving Kazera wide-eyed.

   "I can't believe that little devil just said that to face," she muttered. "I'm gonna get you, you little-" she cursed and charged after Kami.

   Himara snickered but Yūro was still in his daze. Concerned, she decided to comfort him. "Yūro...please stop being so down and depressed; it's making me all sad. Cheer up and let's check this place out!" She noticed that the corners of Yūro's frowning mouth curled up and his eyes lit up.

   "Sorry," he said with a forgiving smile.

   He looked directly into Himara's azure blue eyes and she felt her cheeks begin to burn. Quickly turning away, she murmured a genuine "No problem," and started to waltz around the city.

   Admiring all the dainty flowers set all around the town and gazing up at the three grand towers that loomed overhead, Himara wondered why they were there. They were a dark, grape purple and very thin. She had just realized she was still walking when someone tapped her gently and timidly on her left shoulder. Himara stopped immediately and turned her head to the left and to her dismay, there was no one there. A shiver ran up her spine, for there was actually nobody outside at all. It was as if it were a ghost town.

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