ch. 14 | Older

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4 years later

I pulled my hair back, avoiding the flames. I drew in a breath a closed my eyes. I wished for a year full of love of happiness. I blew out the candles which caused my friends to erupt in cheers.

I looked around at the table with every seat filled and people standing, smiling at me.

Violet, Taylor, and Rosie had all finished college as well and were celebrating with me. Jack was here, standing and clapping. After the awkward phase, we had actually become very good friends. Bella had turned out to be my new roommate in my apartment and was still as fiery as she was when I met her freshman year. My family was here as well. My little sister, Mariana, and my parents. A couple other friends that I had made in college and a few of my close coworkers were also here to celebrate my birthday.

Wow. 22 years old.

Turning 21 was fun. No parents allowed and we blacked out by 3pm. This was my first adult birthday, it felt like. No more fun birthdays where you wait your whole life for it. I was in my twenties and I had an amazing job helping children using counseling.

I looked around at my friends, cutting the cake and passing pieces of it around. They all smiled and laughed. The girls I grew up with had tremendously changed as well. Violet no longer had her purple hair and her natural brunette waves flowed. I loved her purple hair but she looked so elegant with her natural hair. Rosie was no longer a hard partier. She was actually interning at a prestigious law firm in LA while she was finishing up grad school. Taylor was still the most grown up. She's finishing up med school in San Francisco to become a surgeon.

Things were so different, it was slightly terrifying.

I haven't talked to Noah in years besides the occasional birthday text which I recieved at 12:01 am today. We did text a lot after our breakup. It was mostly one of us just breaking down and needing to get it off our chest, but after a few weeks, the texts stopped.

I considered inviting him tonight. But I know that would be crazy and weird. I miss him, alot. I've had a couple boyfriends since him but it has never been the same. I don't regret breaking up with him, though. I think it helped me grow as a person and forced me to focus on school.

Still, in the back of my mind, my thoughts drift to that 18 year old girl that was in love with the most handsome boy in the world.

"Here ya go, Soph. You get the biggest slice." Bella said, handing me a paper plate with cake on it.

I laughed and took the cake along with a fork.

"Sophie, how does it feel?" Jack asked, shaking my shoulders. "The big double 2?" He asked.

"Dear God, no one calls it the double 2." I snorted.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Do you feel any different?" He asked.

"Older." I said, simply.

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual. I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms.

I didn't have to go to work today, thank God for the weekend. I walked to the kitchen and made myself some coffee.

I picked my phone up and checkes my emails. I had recently found my love again for photography, so I started up a little side business. I made a website and everything displaying my pictures. Surprisingly, I had kind of blown up. Almost everyone in LA needs their pictures taken at some point and I was happy to do it for them.

I had a couple who needed their engagement photos done, a handful of aspiring models, and even a couple of celebrities had even reached out to me.

Doing something where I felt creative again, empowered me. I felt artistic and pure happiness from doing what I loved.

However, I had decided that today was definitely my day off. No photo shoots, no work, just relaxtion.

I sipped my coffee and got dressed in my work out clothes, prepared to go on a hike. Hiking had also become another passtime of mine. Being able to breathe the crisp, morning air and actually work my body with a beautiful view was very rewarding.

I drove to my usual trail and parked my car. I decided to leave my headphones in the car, sort of enjoying the natural sounds of the morning.

I trudged up the hill. Only a few cars were here which meant that I'd probably only come across 1 or 2 people.

I felt the burn in my calves and quads, signaling me that they were working hard.

I looked to my left and in between trees was the skyline of Los Angeles. I loved this view, but the best view was visible when you got to the top. After about 30 minutes, I finally reached it. The beautiful city was still mostly quiet. On this Saturday morning, a lot of people had slept in. The sun was still in the late stages of rising which made my soul happy. The only thing I love more than a sunset, is a sunrise.

I stood at the top, with my hands on my hips, breathing heavily.

The birds chirped and light footsteps were coming up from behind me.

Just as I was about to turn around and head back I heard a voice.

"Ramirez?" The low voice asked, suspiciously.

I looked up from my feet. The handsome boy with dark, curly hair and beautiful eyes looked at me with that goofy smile I used to adore and dream about. He was in front of me, looking at me, saying my name. No one ever calls me by my last name besides ...



see im not too mean!! :)

hope you guys liked this chapter and i hope you guys like this turn im taking :)

thank you for being supportive, i promise i wont let you down. This change will make their love stronger and make the story even better, in my opinion. :)

ily all! please leave comments!!

Also: I had a reader dm me and help bring this idea to life so thank you @adamschanel03 !!!!

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