ch. 10 | Come sleep with me

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It was minutes before Jack said anything to me.

I couldn't even think straight. All I could think about was Noah's hand on Amelia's knee and her lips on his.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Jack asked carefully.

"No." I said.

"Okay," He said, understanding. "Do you want to go back to campus?" He asked.

"No, I don't wanna talk to Bella." I said.

Nothing against Bella, I just didn't want to speak to anyone and If I came home early from
my weekend with Noah, she'd know something was up.

"Alright I get that." He said. "Wanna get some food or something?" He asked.

"That actually does sounds good." I said, wiping away stray tears from my eyes.

"Alright. Wanna go to Mcdonalds? Its about all thats open right now." He said.

I nodded my head and sniffled. I could see Jack look at me with concern from the corner of my eye.

Jack pulled into the drive thru and ordered his food along with mine.

I started to pull out my wallet and he quickly hushed my hand down. "No, no, no, I got this." He said, grabbing his card from his wallet.

Instead of fighting, I let him pay. I wasn't in the mood to argue at all.

Once we got our food, Jack parked in the parking lot and started eating his burger. I nibbled on my fries and stared off into space.

"What happened, Soph? I mean, I pick you up from an apartment and you look like a zombie. Then, your lover boy starts running out-"

"He's not my boy anymore." I interrupted. My heart tore open at the sound of the words leaving my mouth. It made it all too real.

Jack's face sunk. "Oh, shit. What happened?" He asked quietly.

"I'm just really fucking tired of getting cheated on." I said, feeling anger fuel inside me.

This made Jack sink even further, making me instantly feel bad.

"Shit," I said rubbing my temples, "I didn't mean it like that. You apologized, I'm not gonna hold it over your head forever." I sighed deeply. "I'm just upset."

"No," He shook his head. "You're right, Soph." He sighed.

"He cheated?" He asked, quietly.

"Yep. Kissed another girl he met like 4 days ago. Was rubbing all up on her leg and shit." I said, biting into a chicken nugget. "I'm just pissed, I should've listened to my gut instinct, ya know? I mean, this girl invites Noah and me to her friends party after knowing him for lile 15 minutes, like of course she's gonna make a move on him." I scoffed.

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