ch. 7 | You Just Gotta Trust

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Noah's POV

"What I'm most pissed off about is that I was starting to like that scumbag. Then, he lures my girl upstairs because she's too nice to say no and then he kisses her! I mean, who the fuck does that?" I yelled.

"It sounds like Jack Green does that." My brother said, putting on his boxing gloves.

"Exactly! Fucking Jack Green does that type of shit." I threw my hands up in the air, punching the bag in front of me.

After my classes, I called my brother for a very important boxing and punching bag session at the gym. After lashing out in front of Sophia Friday night and seeing her be afraid and cry, I knew I couldn't lose my cool like that again in front of her. Whenever I had some sort of problem, my brother and I'd always go boxing. Even now that he was engaged, he still dropped everything when I needed him.

"Dude, I get why you're mad, I would be too. But the guy was drunk, right?" He asked, taking his turn on the punching bag.

"Yea, so?" I asked, resting with my hands on my hips.

"So, he probably still likes her but he was trying to bury it, and you know how alcohol works. It makes those bottled up feelings come back up. I'm sure he wasn't trying to be a dick." He explained.

I sighed. He probably was right and all, but I still couldn't shake the thoughts that were circling my head.

"So you're saying, that he just gets all buddy-buddy with me, and as soon as I leave them alone, he needs Soph to help him to bed to get them really alone?" I shook my head and walked back towards the bag. "Nope, I don't buy that."

I started punching the bag. I didn't care that I knew I was going too hard and my knuckles would probably be bruised afterwards. I was filled to very brim with rage. All I could imagine when I was punching that bag, was Jack's smug face.

"Alright, bro. Chill out. Let's get some water." Jordan said, pulling me away from the bag.

I breathed heavily and sat on the bench near the water fountain. "I just don't know what to do. They go to the same college while I'm 30 minutes away." I sighed, looking up at my brother.

Jordan leaned down close to me. "I know." He said. "But Sophia's a good girl. She loves you and I can tell she wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

He wiped his forehead drenched with sweat. "You just gotta trust." Jordan shrugged.

I nodded. I do trust Sophia. I just know that Sophia's the sweetest girl ever and she wants to help everyone. She's empathic and feels bad for people but she's also so gullible. She's told me stories of how manipulative Jack is and I'm worried about him manipulating her again. He already conned his way into getting her upstairs, away from me. What would he do next?

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