Yoongi's eyes widened at Jimin's final shout, feeling a small pang in his chest for--


--hurting the younger?


When did he feel stuff like that towards Jimin?!


That one shout...

That last shout was the one that affected Yoongi the most.

Why thought?

Did he perhaps feel sorry for Jimin?

The other insults and blows Yoongi had received from the younger completely fell out the window and were practically none existing to his mind by now as they got replaced with the echo of the blonde's final words.

"F--First...k--kiss?" Breathed out Yoongi in almost a whisper, Jimin's tears flowing down even more as he scrunched his nose up and let out a loud sad sobb. "Th--that was your first kiss?!" Wondered Yoongi loudly in disbelief, refusing to believe the fact he had took such a precious thing away from the younger.

His heart ache thinking at the fact that it actually might be true.

But the nod that the blonde gave him didn't really help his aching heart, Yoongi feeling like continuously stabbing himself with a knife now instead of feeling that one feeling he hated the most-


And it was because of Park Jimin.


"Jimin..." breathed out Yoongi as he climbed away from on top of the blonde's body, as he kneeled down at the front of the couch beside the still laying Jimin. "Fuck-- I--I'm so sorry, I--I didn't mean to take your first kiss away! I--!!"

"W--wait..." Said Jimin as he suddenly shot up from his place, Yoongi flinching at his sudden action.

"Y--You did it on purpose?"


Yoongi bit down hard on his lip at Jimin's question.

"You kissed me on purpose?!"

And ever so slowly he nodded, his nod clearly carrying hesitancy.

Jimin's puffy eyes widened, his bottom lip wobbling as small tears brimmed his eyes once again.

"W--Why?" Asked Jimin pitifully in almost a whisper, feeling weak and vulnerable on so many levels in front of Min Yoongi's for the first time in his entire life.

And this first time would definitely not be the last.
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º )


Yoongi bit down at his bottom lip hard as he shamefully lowered his head to the ground, refusing to look up and meet the blonde's eyes.

After all, those eyes were filled with tears of sadness by now that we're caused all because of his mindless action...

"Th--that was the only way I could get you to shut up..." Muttered out Yoongi as he gripped weakly at the edge of the dark green couch.

And Jimin could only stare st him in disbelief.

"Y--you kissed me so that I could shut up?!"

"Jimin, I--I really am--"

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" Choked out Jimin loudly through a sobb as he faced Yoongi with teary eyes. "That was my first kiss you jackass!! How--?!"

Suddenly, Yoongi hugged him tightly, Jimin painfully loudly sobbing at the sudden action.

"I--I'm sorry..."

And Jimin had cried his heart out against the older's chest.


I got a little bit lazy at the end of the chapter if y'all noticed lol

But anyway--

You know ;o; I was wondering something--

HoW dId I gEt OvEr 800 ViEwS oN tHiS bOoK?!

WaTtPaD mUsT bE gLiTcHiNg On MoI--

I'm ScReEcHiNg--


BIS OUT! ¤~¤

Arranged Marriage || YOONMINOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz