💜🌓Mystery of the Sea - Bakugou

Start from the beginning

"You're a lifesaver!" Momo smiled, grabbing the keys gently from you.

"And who's the one that pestered me about not forgetting anything?" You called out to her, wearing a similar sly grin that Momo had on just mere minutes ago as she was teasing you.

Although you got no response, you can almost sense that Momo had rolled her eyes at you.

Turning around to continue heading forward, the stone floor of the cave gave way to the white sand of the small beach. The beach wasn't big enough for an entire crowd, but a small group could fit and settle themselves perfectly within it.

After adjusting to the new lighting, your eyes landed upon a figure sitting on the rock the beach was named after. His hair, as light as the sand behind him. His scales, as blue as the deep ocean schools of fish swim in. His fins, as colorful as a sunrise with streaks of yellow and orange hues which shimmered in the sun. The water that rolled down his quite muscular arms made you presume that he had just gotten out of the crystal water from a swim.

A small incredulous gasp left your parted lips, startling the merman to your presence. His red eyes bore into your curious (e/c) ones, and it felt as if the world froze and time stood still.

The merman continued to look at you for several seconds, making you wonder as to why he isn't moving. Surely merpeople don't wish to be seen by humans, right?

"(Y/n)!" Momo called out to you from inside the cave, making you take your eyes off of him for a split second so you can call back to your friend.

"I'm here!" But when you turned your head back to facing forwards, the merman was gone.

"So, turns out I left them on my seat." Momo replied with once she exited the cave and was standing next to you. She noticed the look on your face, and squinted her eyes as if that was going to answer the questions that she was forming in her head. "What's that look for?"

You blinked several times and forcibly tore your eyes away from the seat the merman was sitting at. "Ah, nothing, just thinking about what all we can do today." You faked a smile. Was he even real?

Several hours have passed since then. Momo has long forgotten about the moment that transpired soon enough after it happened, and you tried to as well. You were thankful Momo was there, since she always had you busy with something. Whether it was swimming, playing with a beach ball, sunbathing, or just talking about what the two of you would do for the rest of your vacation as you sat and ate, she kept you busy.

Eventually, the time came to where you had to go back to your resort, since the sun was getting low in the horizon. It was only about 8ish too, but you can tell that Momo was getting tired.

You swiftly packed your bags and made it back to your car wordlessly.

The ride back to the resort was in a similar fashion. The radio on low and the sound of crashing waves becoming more and more in the background was enough for the two of you, and so nothing was said; which you were okay with.

As soon as you got back to your resort room, Momo instantly fell asleep upon her heading hitting the plush pillow and comforter. Of course, after she showered, that is. You were tired too, but you couldn't stop thinking about what you saw. That ash blonde hair, those piercing, yet oddly comforting red eyes. The thoughts whizzing around in your mind was enough to search for at least something to help quell those aching questions you have.

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