Trees, flowers and grass all remained as if untouched, letting them grow out to their full, wild beauty.
I laughed to myself.

"Did you not have chance to give the grass a quick trim?" I looked behind me at Joshua, who looked as if he was dreading my reaction.

His eyes widened, being put on the spot.
"Uhh..I-I didn't get round to doing it?" He chuckled, sounding unsure.

I smiled.

"Great!" I clapped my hands together, making my way to the back door.
He looked at me in clear confusion.
"Well, this is the first thing we can do together then, as a married couple. And, seen as you were lazy enough to ignore it, you can make a start on the grass while I start trimming d—"

I was cut off by lips on mine.

"Calm down, Y/N." He looked me in the eyes.
"We have the rest of our lives to sort out the garden, let's just get you relaxed for now."

Man I'm one lucky ass to have landed me a man like this.

He gently took my wrist and began to drag me to the living room, where I was greeted by numerous presents.

"Huh?" I slowly sat down infront of the cluster, picking up a basket with an assortment of kitchen utensils and looking at the card.
"What are these?"

Joshua sat down beside me, chuckling to himself.
"Well, since we never got chance to, I thought we could open all of our wedding gifts when you get back."

My mouth dropped.
"Wedding..presents?" I'd completely forgot there was such thing.
Hell the fuck yeah, being married ain't that bad.

My inner child came out upon hearing the word 'present'.
"Whoever opens the best one wins then." I smiled to myself, as I frantically began to search through the piles, looking for the big win.

Just as Joshua was about to delve into competition, we were interrupted by his phone ringing.

I looked at him expectantly, but he just carried on as if nothing happened.
Tsk this boy is too competitive.

I took his hand, "hey, answer your phone it might be important. It's fine, I'll pause the game for now." I smiled at him, showing I wasn't playin. He sat back, fishing out his phone, whilst I looked at the original basket with the utensils.

3rd Persons POV
Joshua slowly stood up, ignoring his leg cramps, as he walked over to the window.

He looked at his phone, browns furrowing upon reading the unknown number, but he decided to answer it anyways, subconsciously putting it on speaker.

"..hello?" He spoke loudly, slightly annoyed that someone disrupted his game.

No reply.

"HELLO?" He said a bit louder, getting pissed off that this person could be a prank caller.

"..hello? Hello?"
Finally a reply.

"Hello? Who is this?" He tried to hide the anger.

"Hiya, sorry for bothering you Sir, only, we have some terrible news."

the late bus  |  joshua hong Where stories live. Discover now