16. Dead.

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"NOOO!" He yelled, gaining both of our attention.

I looked past the she-devil, my eyes frantically searching for his face. Once I locked eyes with his I immediately blushed-  woah wtf is happening to me.

"J-Joshua?!" I asked full of disbelief. I hadn't seen him in so long, so for all I know I could be hallucinating.

But still, when he smiled back at me it gave me that same feeling inside of me.

He didn't say anything, but that smile said it all.

Though, someone didn't seem impressed.

Sara whipped her head around, flicking me with her hair in the process.

Slowly, a grin started to creep up onto her face, giving me that feeling in my stomach- something bad was coming of this.

I couldn't even move my feet whilst her attention was diverted. God I'm so stupid.
The fear took over my body like sleep paralysis, all I could do was follow my eyes towards her every move.

"I have a better idea." She said cunningly.

Oh shit here it comes.

She moved her gun from the side of my head so that it was now pointing at Joshua, and though he masked his face of fear, I could tell he was silently crying inside- I can relate.

She ushered the gun in my direction, signalling him to come and stand by me.

God what was she gonna make him do.

Once he was by me, he slowly linked his finger with mine, so our hands were touching, and that action gave me just enough energy and warmth to keep going, and not fall to the floor and have a mental breakdown because I don't want to lose him nor my life.

Sara's voice filled the air again, gun still pointed at Joshua.

"You have to marry me... or, I shall shoot Y/N." She finished with her signature witch's smile, satisfied with her threat.

Automatically, before Joshua even had time to think, I declined.

"No!" I said breathlessly, it was killing me to say this, but at the same time, I needed to, because I knew which option he would pick.

"Save yourself Joshua!" I looked him in the eyes, desperation in my voice.

"No. I'll never leave you, ever again!" He looked back at me and smiled, god it was so sincere I swear I shed a tear.

Okay maybe I shed that tear because of the situation we were in.

Sara's scream interrupted our conversation and she shot the air twice.

Then she aimed the gun back at me.

And my heartbeat increased rapidly. Now that I knew that was a real gun that could fire real bullets.

She started to walk closer, yet again.

But Joshua stood in front of me before she could get any closer.

"No." He said firmly, though you could tell his voice was on the verge of trembling.
"Don't shoot."

Sara just tutted, and smirked again.

"Tsk, you can witness how the one girl you cared about the most falls to the ground as her lifeless glassy eyes stare back at you, her limp body laying in the pool of blood leaking from her head."

She took one step closer.

"Watch how everything you built between each other comes crashing down and you can't do anything about it- BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" She started to scream.

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