33. Texting is Fun

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chapter dedicated to ; Ana and Emily

comment your name for a DT in the next chapter


Third Person POV
Ellie unlocked the door to her room. It was empty. Kelsey was either still at the frat house or somewhere else around campus. The tired girl got changed into her pajamas and slipped into her cosy bed. She plugged her phone in to charge and turned it on. She had three snapchats from Jax. The notifications made her lips curve into a small smile.

Ellie opened the app and looked at his pictures. They were just him making funny faces and strange puns that make you think. Things along the lines of 'why is 'W' called 'double U', when in reality it is two 'V's?" or 'the word 'swims' upside down is still 'swims'. She couldn't help but giggle at these little puns. His sense of humor was simple but everyone loved it.

She sent back a picture of herself smiling with the caption,

[You need less free time 😂😂😂]

Patiently waiting for his response, she went on to see some of her friends stories. Nearly all of them were from the party. The stories would start of nice and funny, people playing beer pong or drunkenly dancing. But they would take a turn when the infamous sex video came on. Ellie just skipped the stories when it showed up.

It made her think; what will people think of her? They would for sure talk about her behind her back. Would they feel sorry for her? Or would they laugh and think "stupid girl should've seen it coming". These thoughts rattled her confused brain.

Luckily Jax snapped her back just in time before she started thinking sadder thoughts. He sent back a picture of the slightly messy room he was in, including the back of some of his friend's heads in front of the TV.

[ Did I ever tell you how cute that smile of yours is? 😍]

Ellie blushed behind the screen. Was he flirting? Or was he saying that to be nice? She swiped back to the camera and took a half-face selfie with a small smirk.

[No u haven't, thank u ☺️ ur super sweet 💞]

She sent it and to her surprise he opened it quickly. The conversation then continued in the message section.

J : ik this is kinda a sensitive topic 4 u but wat is u and E's relationship rn?

Ellie thought about it for a second. He wanted an exact answer so she would have to be sure on her decision.

E : im single atm. me and emi were never a proper couple, like we never made it official. but with those leaked videos today he's made it clear he doesn't want a relationship.

There was a small wait after she sent that message. His bitmoji was still on screen, letting Ellie know he saw it and was still reading or thinking.

J : Okay, I was just wondering. You know like. It would be worse if I mistakenly mentioned you to Emilio and made him mad. At least you are sane and will talk stuff out or explain the situation

E : yea i totally get what you're saying. oh and don't be afraid to mention him to me, he doesn't trigger me 😂 i should've seen it coming. ppl warned me abt him and i completely ignored them

J : No, don't feel bad about it. He does it to a lot of girls. Make em feel special and then forgets about them. You deserve so much better. I'm sorry that you even had to meet him. I hate the way he treats girls

Ellie was now seeing a different side to Jax. He cared about her feelings, and other girls too. She also saw him tell his true feelings about Emilio. Maybe he had built up aggression against him because he was always stealing Jax's girls. Or that he didn't treat him with enough respect. She thanked him for that positive message and then the conversation turned more casual, getting to know eachother more.

Time passes quickly, neither of the two noticing how fast the minutes were passing. Kelsey arrived in at 4am so intoxicated and high that she looked like jiggling jelly trying to get into her bed. Ellie went and helped put her to sleep without Kelsey causing any harm or loud noises to wake others up. It was then when Ellie saw the time and instantly went to her phone to say goodnight to Jax

E : omg! look at the time. kels just came in so drunk. i'm surprised she even made her way home lmao. we should talk again tomorrow. sweet dreams Jaxie 😴

J : Shit yea lmao goodnight Ell 😘

Ellie turned her phone off and rolled over on her bed, facing the wall. A couple of minutes later her phone buzzed. Turning back over she read the text on her screen.

J : Hey just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tomorrow, maybe grab some lunch. It doesn't have to be a date.. just as friends.. um dang this is kinda awkward. Hopefully you get my point lol

Ellie thought lunch would be nice. She could even get to know Jax more. You see, the girl was developing a small crush on him. And with her decision to stay away from Emilio and focus on other boys, it was like God handed her this opportunity. Plus Jax wasn't an asshole like Emilio. He could act rowdy but he did show signs of goodness. No one ever said anything bad about Jax to her, not like what they said about Emilio.

Ellie responded with a 'fantastic' and turned her phone on silent. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep considering the eventful day she experienced.

Over in the frat house, Ivan plus a few others were in Jax's room, although he kept himself separated from the group as he didn't want anyone seeing that he was talking to Ellie.

The twins had been split apart since their fight earlier on. Emilio stayed downstairs with Mitch, Bryson and another member called Jonathan, who was probably the smartest person in the frat house, all trying to figure out who had that video playing.

Mitch, Bryson and Emilio weren't necessarily the best choice for this detective work but this was Jonathan's dream. Majority of the time he got A's and every teacher loved him. He wasn't a typical nerd though. He knew how to have a good time. One of his good traits was he could handle a hangover, so good you would think he didn't drink at all the night before. Jonathan also got along great with the other frat members. There wasn't any time where he felt like an outcast. He was always part of the frat family. His brains plus his funny personality, and not forgetting his good looks, made him every girl's dream boy.

The four were standing at the damaged projector eyeing it down. "Okay guys. We're not gonna get anywhere by staring at it" Jonathan pointed out obviously. The other three looked away from the technology and focused their eyes on Jonathan waiting to hear the steps on what to do.

"The best thing I can do first is question Emilio. After that I can ask the people who were included in his story to say their parts then look for clues along the way" The three boy glanced at eachother and nodded. Emilio and Jonathan made their way to somewhere private, where there was no people.

Once in an empty room, Jonathan opened up his Macbook to write down notes.

"Okay Emilio... tell me today's events"

Hoi, okay this is a little short but I might do another short chapter today or tomorrow idk, I'm very unreliable

Next chapter at 80 votes (or if I decide to upload again today) 💗💗

fuckboi // Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now