13. The Weirdest Day

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Third Person POV
The day started strangely. The summer sun shinned in through the window of the car. Emilio had woken up 10 minutes ago, he had a slight problem. He was just in the middle of a very steamy dream, although he had woken up before it ended leaving him with a very uncomfortable erection in his underwear.

He couldn't move because Ellie's back was pressed up against him. He couldn't play with himself because he'd wake Ellie up, he also couldn't really move his hands either so that was another reason. Instead he prayed to God that it would go down before Ellie woke up for the day. Of course he jinxed himself.

Ellie slowly rolled around to face him and stretched her body. She opened her eyes and smiled tiredly at Emilio. "Good morning" she mumbled and snuggled into his chest. He repeated her words back to her and moved his hips back further. This only made Ellie scooch her hips closer. Emilio froze not making a move, he didn't want to make things awkward between the two if she felt it.

Ellie started wriggling around trying to get into a comfortable position and that's when she felt it. She froze and looked down. "Oh fuck I'm sorry I tried to hide it" Emilio blurted out and shoved his hands over his crotch. He blushed furiously. For some odd reason Ellie made him blush. If it was any other time he would've shown it off. But once again, Ellie had this strange power over him. She started giggling at the situation, she was a very understanding person.

"It's okay Emilio. Um what are you gonna do with it?" she asked innocently. He thought for a moment. "I have to wait until it goes down by itself but I don't think it will. If I leave it too long it'll start hurting really bad. I'm gonna drive you back to your dorm and I'll fix it when I go home"

"But that'll take at least a half hour. Can you not go to a bathroom and uhm do your business?" It was Ellie's turn to blush now. Even though she felt bad for him it still embarrassed her, she was never in this situation before.

Emilio looked over at the KFC they had just been in the night before. He would have no problem doing his business in there, he's even had sex in worse places. He's also jerked off in a lot in bathroom stalls just because he can. He cringed thinking about his old self and wondered how the fuck people still wanted to be friends with him.

While looking at the KFC he started getting hungry. "Um could you do me a favor?" he asked. Ellie's eyes widened shocked to hear the words fall out of his mouth so casually. "NO EMILIO JESUS CHRIST!!"

For a second he was confused as to why she was so mad until he knew what she was thinking about. "OH NO NO NO! NOT THAT! I mean I wanted to ask you could you get some food in KFC for me, I can't go in with this" he said quickly. Ellie relaxed a little and broke her heart laughing, that made her wake up immediately.

"Sure what do you want?"


They peacefully ate their unhealthy breakfast with a little bit of music playing through the speakers. Emilio was driving this time. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't the usual maniac he normally is on the road. Well maybe because of the fact Ellie was there and he was eating too, he wouldn't want to mess up his car.

As they were finishing up Emilio gave his trash to Ellie who put it all in one bag on the floor. Beside the trash bag was all Ellie's girly stuff she bought last night. This made him think of a bunch more questions. He was so deep in thought that he ran a red light.

"EMILIO! Hey pay attention to the road! You could cause an accident. You're lucky there's not many cars on a Sunday. What are you do focused on?" Ellie asked.

To her he looked like he wanted to kill someone, like he was mad. Meanwhile what was actually going on inside that wild curious head of his was, 'what if my dick had to bleed for a week every month, oh god, what if I didn't have a dick, wait what if girls had dicks'

He looked at her hearing her voice and then down at her bits.
"I'm just so confused"
"About what?"
"Like how do you make yourself bleed for exactly a week every month?"

Ellie sighed at tried not to smile as he was genuinely so curious and confused about the topic, he literally just ran a red light for crying out loud. Judging by his lack of knowledge, he was definitely absent from school the day they did sex ed.

"Well Emilio that's like me asking you how do you breathe when you're not paying attention. With my period my body just naturally does it", Emilio was still very confused. Now with the information of breathing without noticing, he just added more questions onto his list of wonders.

"But I've been doing that since I was born, how does your body just start doing something like 16 years later?" Ellie wanted to think of a good answer. She thought for about 30 seconds and came out with.

"Then tell me Emilio, if it's so confusing to you, how did you just start making cum?" This made Emilio go silent. Ellie looked at his face and he was back concentrating trying to think of a valid answer. After about a minute of no reply she laughed lightly and sat back in her chair enjoying the music.

They arrived to the dorms shortly after still no sound from Emilio. He stopped outside the doors. Ellie looked at him waiting for him to say goodbye, no answer.

"Um I guess I'll see you around yea?" No answer. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek goodbye. No answer. She sighed and guessed that she would text him later when he's feeling better or at least forgets about it. She grabbed the two bags on the floor and got out of the car. She walked up the few small steps reaching the entrance then turned around to see if he left, he did.

Ellie started worrying a little because of the way he was acting but she decided he would be okay. She walked up the stairs to her room. In the room Kelsey chilling watching TV and eating cereal. Ellie put the two bags on the counter and walked back over to the door to shut it. Just as it was nearly closed a foot stopped it. Ellie opened it again to see an out of breath Emilio. He looked like he just ran in the olympics.

He stood there panting deeply catching his breath. Kelsey looked over to see what the problem was. No one talked, the girls waited to see what Emilio was running from. He stood up and took a deep breath.

"I-I have to make cum because I need to make babies when I'm older. So my body knows how to do that" Ellie just stood there in amazement. He ran all the way up the stairs just to say that?

"Oh my god Emilio. Did you just run up all the stairs to tell me that?"

"Yea, I was thinking about it. When I drove away I was still thinking about it and it just came to me so I pulled over and ran back here to tell you"

Ellie wanted to cry, this was the single most cutest thing she's ever seen in her life. He ran all the way back here to answer a silly question. He didn't even answer it, he just told her the same answer she told him about periods! She looked down at her shoes and started laughing.

"Emilio, you are the most adorable human I've ever come across" With that sentence Emilio smiled, it gave him butterflies. He kissed her cheek and said goodbye, just like she did 4 minutes ago. He left right after saying goodbye as he could get a parking ticket. Ellie shut the door and went over to Kelsey to talk about last night with Emilio.

I don't know what this chapter is tbh hahaha I just wanted to show a goofy side to the relationship. But the next day will be Ellie's first day at the new school, how will things go?

Can we get to 30 votes this time?! You guys were so freakin fast for the last chapter it left me sh00k 😂😂😂

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