14. First Day

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(A/N; I really don't know much about college courses/classes. I'm going to write it the way my school is and try make things a little different but similar to college. I think my school is similar to highschool but I'm not American so I don't actually go to highschool. Blah blah blah, I'm sure most of you guys are in highschool or middle school so it will make more sense to you guys too if I write it that way. If its a problem please tell me and I'll try my best to make it more similar to college but it's a fanfic so I don't think it really matters. Long note sorry but I wanted to make it clear now rather than the end of the chapter)

Third Person POV
The alarm awoke the two girls from their slumber. Today was their first day back after summer vacation, Ellie's first day at a new school. Thankfully she had Kelsey by her side, plus the few friends she made at the party. She hoped that some of them would be in her classes. The girls got up and ready for the day.

When they came back from the shower room, they had some cereal. Ellie filled Kelsey in on everything that happened with her and Emilio. Kelsey was a little shocked as the Emilio she knew was a complete asshole.

"I just thought of something," Kelsey said looking at Ellie. "Have you ever seen the movie Grease?"

Ellie nodded, it was one of her favorites.

"Well what if Emilio is nice to you when no one else is around and as soon as one of his friends come along he's back to the jerk we all know?" Kelsey questioned. Ellie asked herself this question too. But she was going to trust Emilio was going to try and change into a better person.

"I really don't know to be honest, I just hope it doesn't happen that way. If he does act like that then maybe he's not right for me" Ellie said hesitantly. She hopped it was a lie she was saying, she was falling head over heels for this bad boy and there was no stopping it. Kelsey nodded and they finished up breakfast. Next step was to head to class and hope for the best!

The girls got out of the car and looked up at the massive structure infront of them. The building was huge. There was hundreds of students walking in and hanging around outside. Everyone was in their own little friend group. Students had been emailed their classes for the year during the summer so Kelsey walked Ellie to her first class.

Once outside the door, Kelsey gave directions to the where next classroom was. "I'll never remember that" Ellie thought while panicking on the inside. She walked into the classroom saying goodbye to her best friend. There was a couple of students already inside and talking to their friends.

She scanned the room looking for a familiar face. Down near the back of the room there was a girl with her head resting on the table in front of them. Ellie recognized her from the party. She remembered making conversation with her. The bright rose red hair on her head really stood out. Ellie walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. The girl lifted her head up and looked at Ellie confused. Then she smiled, slightly remembering who she was.

"Hey you're that gal from the party, Kelsey's new roomie right? Sorry I was super drunk when I met you, remind me of your name?"

"My name's Ellie, I don't remember yours either sorry" she laughed nervously. The girl laughed too. "Oh thank god she doesn't think I'm a jerk"

"Welp my names Fiona but people call me Cherry, firstly because I love eating cherries and secondly my crazy hair color" she snorted. Ellie felt comfortable with Cherry and took the seat behind her. They talked while the classroom filled up. Cherry told her that they have a strict teacher for this class. Ellie didn't mind, she was usually quiet and finished her work on time.

As the girls were laughing and joking, the door slammed shut. The classroom instantly fell silent. A bearded man stood at the closed door looking at his watch. He then looked at three empty seats all in one row at the back. One of these empty seats was behind Ellie and the other two were to the right of the empty table behind Ellie's.

The teacher walked over to his desk and looked at a sheet. He then glanced at everyone in the class. Once he figured out who wasn't here he sighed. He put the sheet down and got started with the rules.

"I'm sure many of you know my rules, if any of them are broken, it's an instant detention. Between bad behavior, late to class, talking, you will get into deep trouble-" the teachers words were suddenly stopped as the door burst open. A roar of laughter came in along with three boys. One of them being Emilio. The other two boys who were with him looked messy and drunk. Emilio looked a little tired but he was sober, you could tell, he wasn't swaying and looked aware while his friends were the exact opposite. Some girls on the other side of the room started giggling obnoxiously at them.

"EXCUSE ME" the teacher asked, appalled at their actions. The boys stopped laughing but you could easily tell they were entertained by his reaction. "Sit. Down. Now."

The boys went into a single file line, Emilio being last. He had his head down so the teacher wouldn't see the big grin on his face. One of the boys took the seat behind Ellie. When Emilio walked past her he saw her out of the corner of his eye. He looked at his friend in the corner seat, behind Ellie.

"Get up" he whispered-shouted to his friend.

"What? No way I sat here first" he responded. Emilio didn't want to deal with this right now. He put his hands on the desk and looked his friend in the eye. The teacher was staring at the back of Emilio's head. He was getting mad.

"Emilio, sit down this instant" Emilio wasn't listening.

"Get. Up. This is my seat" Emilio sounded intimidating. The boy huffed and went over to the other empty seat. The whole class was staring at this scene. As Emilio sat down, Ellie was staring at him in awe. Emilio smirked and winked at her.

Oh boy was this going to be an interesting year.

Once again Im sorry abt the long update. You guys keep hitting the vote goals quickly lmao. Some new characters have been added as you can tell, I might make them important 🤭

Anyways new chapter at 40 votes 🤗

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