9. Bestfriends Are The Best

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Third Person POV
Ellie sat in the car and stayed quiet. Emilio sat down in his seat angrily. The car jerked forward as Emilio was messing around with the pedals. Ellie put on her seatbelt knowing he was going to drive like a maniac. He pulled out quickly and speeded down the road. He drove so carelessly, he could kill someone driving the way he was.

Tears were still pouring down Ellie's face. When Kelsey said Emilio was a terrible human she didn't think he was that bad. Ellie was surprised he didn't hit her. She wiped her wet eyes and looked over at him. His jaw was clenched, his hand gripped tightly on the steering wheel. His eyes were focused on the road. She looked at his chest going up and down rapidly, he was breathing so heavily. Ellie pulled her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes wanting to get home faster.

Although Emilio looked mad he was a mess on the inside, sadness overwhelmed his body. Just when he thought he was going to like a girl he goes and loses his head. The poor girl didn't even do anything, she innocently wanted to hold his hand. Maybe she felt nervous walking through all of the other boys and just wanted to feel some safety. Emilio was shocked at himself, he did that to girls all the time and never took notice of how their feelings. Out of the corner of his eye he could see how petrified Ellie was, cuddling into her legs. He noticed she shaking when they first got in the car. He saw the waterfalls coming from her eyes too and it made him feel worse, his heart actually ached for her. She was so sweet and nice and he just went full on asshole mode on her. He didn't deserve her at all.

Emilio knew where Kelsey's dorm was, he remembered where most dtf girls lived. They got to the building and as Emilio was about to say something he's never said before, Ellie ran out of the car. She didn't even look back. He stared at her disappearing into the door of the building. He's never felt this bad in years. For the first time ever, he had feelings towards another human that wasn't his brother. He put his head down on the steering wheel wishing this morning never happend.

Ellie ran up the stairs as fast as she could. She bumped into a couple of people not looking where she was going. She got to her room and banged on the door. Ellie turned around to check if Emilio followed her and to check if she was okay. Nope. Of course he didn't, why is she still thinking about him?

The door opened and on the other side was a disheveled Kelsey rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a mess and her outfit from last night was still on her, not in the same position. Once Kelsey saw Ellie sobbing, she pulled her in and hugged her tight. Ellie choked on her tears, she couldn't control herself.

"Ellie! Where did you go! I went to talk to someone for two minutes and when I came back you were gone!" Kelsey said, sounding like a mother scolding her child. Ellie couldn't get any words out. She wanted to tell her sorry over and over again but her voice just wasn't working. Instead Kelsey just rubbed her back soothingly.

Kelsey got Ellie a cold glass of water to clear her throat. Once she took a sip she felt her throat go back to normal. She took a deep breath in, calming herself.

"You were right, I should've listened to you" she admitted quietly,

"I broke every single one of your rules last night" she mumbled. Kelsey could just about hear her and asked her to go on. Ellie told her the whole story, all the way up until now. She nearly started crying again just from talking about it. But she kept a brave face on her the whole time. Kelsey was speechless.

"Wait so you didn't have sex with him?" Kelsey asked questioningly.

"No! I just slept with him, like normal sleep. I told him to go and enjoy the party but he said he wanted to stay with me and make sure I was okay, you know incase any frat members came in his room", Kelsey's jaw dropped, and then she started laughing hard. Ellie furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's so funny?"

"No way Emilio Martinez stayed in bed to protect you. I know how he is with girls. You don't need to lie to me to make me think your a cool girl sleeping with Emilio"

"But I did! I swear!" She pleaded trying to convince her best friend. Kelsey thought about it and believed her. I mean she didn't see Emilio at the party much, and she also heard he dived ontop of Ivan for no reason.

"Maybe he had a crush on you", now it was Ellie's turn to laugh,

"Seriously! He's never been like that with a girl. Oh my god! And your wearing his favourite hoodie for gods sake!! I didn't even notice!"

"He said I could wear it, he picked it out himself"

Kelsey bounced around the room with all this gossip. Emilio Martinez going soft? Oh she loved this indeed. Giving Ellie his clothes? Never in his life did he give a girl clothes to go home.

One time when Kelsey slept with him, the morning after he just kicked her off his bed to get rid if her. He told her to fuck off and go home then went back to sleep. Kelsey had to go ask one of the other frat members to give her clothes to wear home as hers where missing from the party that night before.

"Wait till everyone hears about this!" Kelsey said excitedly. Ellie's eyes widened. She couldn't expose Emilio like that, 1. Because it wasn't his fault and he was being nice and 2. He would probably kill Ellie if word of last night got out.

"No no no! Don't please I beg you! He doesn't deserve that" she said in a sad tone.

"What do you mean?! He made my bestfriend cry! I need to show him who he's messing with"

"No Kelsey please I'll never talk to you again if you do", Kelsey sighed and promised she wouldn't tell a soul. The girl's sat down and Ellie asked Kelsey what she did at the party. Just as Kelsey finished her second story, Ellie's phone beeped. It was Emilio. She opened Snapchat to see what he sent. It was an actual snap. She and Kelsey looked at eachother and then back down at the phone. She opened it. Once she saw it her heart sank to the floor,

It was Emilio with tears streaming down his face with the caption,

"I'm really sorry 💔"

"I'm really sorry 💔"

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And yes I know that picture is Ivan, lucky for me, him and Emilio KiNdA lookalike so it works

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