A different Halloween

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For Halloween, I wanted to trick or to treat. Antonio decided he wanted to go with me too, and we dressed up in none other than My Little Pony.

He was Rainbow Dash, and I was Pinky Pie. It would shock most people, but I love holidays, and I especially love dressing up in costume.

Wade and Cole went as Ninja turtles, Michelangelo and Raphael. Adrian and a girl he brought with him dressed up like Peter Pan and Wendy. They didn't go to the houses and collect candy, except for me, but they dressed up all the same.

Every house I went to, I said trick or treat, then thank you. It's what my parents taught me. When my pumpkin got full, I empty it into a bag one of them was carrying.

After two hours, we walked back to my house. It tired me, and Antonio wanted to change. He said it did him being a pony for the night.

When we got back, we all changed and dumped the six bags of candy out on the table. Wade took a piece, and I slapped his hand. "Not until Dad checks it." He looked at me, surprised.

It was a rule. We eat no candy until my dad checks it. Cole chuckled as Wade sighed, but he kissed him. This move didn't surprise me since Cole told me the truth about him and Wade. I didn't understand why he needed to coach me to say those things. I like Wade. Wade is nice.

Mom and Dad came in and saw all the candy. "The neighbors think we need to keep the dentist in business," Dad mentioned as Mom laughed.

"Does this happen a lot?" Antonio asked him.

"Everyone loves Rain in the neighborhood. We got a shit ton of candy growing up," Cole told him.

"Language," dad said to him as he went through the candy.

"Sorry," Cole apologized.

As he checked each piece, Mom brought bowls over, and he placed it in different containers. Antonio watched, then looked at me. "Why the different bowls?"

"One bowl is for me and the candy I eat. I don't like nuts, anything chewy, or anything I don't find desirable. Another bowl is for Luke and Cole. Because my parents said sharing is right and another is for them because of tax. Although, I'm not sure why there is a tax on candy," I shrugged. He chuckled.

As Dad finished, Luke walked in and took a piece of candy.

"How come you didn't slap his hand?" Wade asked me.

"Because I know the rules," Luke told him as he walked away, causing everyone to laugh.

We all sat around eating candy. I shared mine with Antonio.

"I have to admit this was pretty fun. I haven't been tricking or treating in the last few years," Antonio said, taking a bite of candy.

"People stop doing fun things because they think they're too old. Then they feel bad because they don't enjoy themselves. I like to dress up. It's fun," I shrugged.

To me, I loved the holidays. I know many people don't, but I do. I enjoy carving pumpkins. Well, not always. The first time I stuck my hand in one, it was gross. I told my parents I was over it and walked away. They handled the carving from there.

Plus, they didn't think it was a good idea if I used a knife. Said I might cut myself, and my parents didn't want me to get hurt. I'm good with that. Luke didn't listen to my parents and ended up in the emergency room.

It didn't help when I looked at his cut, and ew that's nasty, telling him he was dumb because he didn't listen. Yep, I have no filter. They had to explain to me Luke was not foolish; he made a mistake. I still say he was dumb.

Cole laughed, my parents gave him a look, and I stood there as Luke got stitches.

The following year, Cole ended up in the emergency room since the same thing happened. My brothers need to listen more.

I got up and went into the living room, leaving everyone confused. Everyone got up and found me in front of the TV watching It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Antonio took a seat next to me, "You could have told me you were coming in to watch a program."

I looked at him, "Why? My family knows I go trick or treating, then watch It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, after Dad checks my candy."

"Because I don't know these things. I'm learning, remember?" He looked at me.

"Okay," I shrugged as I went back to the program. Poor Linus, no one understands how important the Great Pumpkin is to him. Although I always wondered why he didn't take a jacket with him, especially if it was cold.

We all sat there watching it as I laughed. I loved Snoopy because he was so crazy. I need a dog like that.

After we watched that, we watched a few other programs, nothing scary. I didn't like horror films or programs. This reason is why I didn't go to haunted houses. First, they're dark. Second, someone is always jumping out at you. And last, too much noise with the screaming.

I prefer not to deal with any of that. I know most people wouldn't understand, but not everyone likes those things.

I remember I tried to go into a funhouse once. The people had to stop it, so my parents could take me out. I had gone in with Luke and Cole. I wanted to do what they did, even though my parents advised against it. It annoyed the person in charge of the funhouse. Dad put him in his place quickly.

As for Halloween, I like trick or treating. I enjoy dressing up. I love candy. I like It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. And I like the fact; I have friends to share it. People don't understand it, and they don't have to follow. They need to understand that for me, it's what I like.

I'm a person, too, and I have felt along with likes and dislikes. Plus, I liked the fact that my boyfriend dressed up. He made a cool Rainbow Dash. Even though Rainbow Dash is a girl and he's a boy. Even better, he didn't care except he wanted to do something for me.

This reason is why I love Antonio. He does things to make me happy, even if he looks like a fool. Never tell him I said that.

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