Chapter 18: Testing boundaries

Start from the beginning

The waiter awkwardly nodded and hurried off eager to escape the tense atmosphere.

I turned to be disobedient kitten and cocked my head to one side.

"Playing games are we?" I whispered menacingly.

The waiter rushed back managing to regain himself after stumbling a little almost hurling himself along with the drinks on the floor. He placed down our drinks and immediately turned to frightened to say another word.

"I don't know what you're talking about dear husband" she confidently muttered before taking a large sip of her coke.

I smiled at her cute confidence. As much as I'm a dominant man, I love a girl with a fiery personality. Gives me more of a challenge to try and tame her.

"Keep testing me and I'll show you who you're messing with".

She rolled her eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh.

A vibration buzzed in my jacket pocket and I immediately pulled it out. I glanced at Isabella who was now staring off out to the ocean aimlessly. Looking down at my phone I saw a text that from Chase.

Hope you're having a good time on your honeymoon boss. The deliveries have all been successful and we've lost no men. I'll message you later after the weapon trade.

Excellent news. Switching off my phone I slip it back into my pocket and turn my attention to Isabella who was now staring directly at me.

"I'd like my phone back".

Bewildered at her sudden outburst I folded my arms and lent back on my chair wondering how to respond to such an abrupt statement.

"You won't be having your old phone back, but here, I brought you a new IPhone X with my number and all the numbers of my closest men" I grumbled handing her the new phone I'd brought a couple of days ago.

"What?! What about my friends and family? How am I supposed to contact them?" She whined.

"Simple, you won't contact them, ever."

"Excuse me? You cannot rip me away from my friends and family, who do you think you are".

"I can do whatever I want Isabella".

"No. You can't. Stop treating me like a possession, I am a human being" she snapped back.

Her eyes began to water in frustration and she turned her head to one side hoping I wouldn't see the tears escape, but I'd already seen them.

I reached over to grab her hand to somewhat apologise but before I had a chance the waiter returned with our food and mumbled a quiet enjoy before rushing away to the kitchen to safety.

Tucking into our foods in silence, all that could be heard was the scraping of cutlery. I glanced up to Isabella who was moaning in delight at the food. I could tell she was enjoying her food. But her moans grew louder and more frequent and was starting to catch the attention of the other diners nearby. She's doing it again.

She's playing with me. After taking a big bite of the garlic bread she looked up and glanced at me letting out a moan that had my James junior shoot up. I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair and my eyebrows furrowed in annoyance when Isabella smirked at me.

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