19. Fantasy

402 21 55

a mental image, typically one on which a person dwells at length or repeatedly and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes especially on things that are impossible or improbable

Tyler found Josh with a beer in hand when he got home, as if he wasn't already drunk enough.

"What do you want?" Josh asked, eyeing the brunette from head-to-toe, looking rather disgusted.


Why did he even go home in the first place? He should've known better. He should've known Josh meant it. He should've known Josh didn't want him there.

"I'm getting my stuff," Tyler said in a small voice, not wanting to even think about the meaning behind it.

He didn't want to think about leaving Josh. He didn't want to think about never coming back. He didn't want this to even be happening.

"Oh," Josh responded, the look on his face growing more concerned. "You actually want to leave?"

"You said-"

"Fine. If you want to go, then fine!" Josh yelled, tears swelling in Tyler's eyes.

He didn't want to fucking leave. How hard was that to understand?

Slugishly, Tyler made his way into the bedroom, only letting the tears fall once he was out of Josh's sight.

He gathered his things in two small duffel bags, slinging one over each shoulder. After wiping the tears from his cheeks, Tyler made his way back downstairs and headed straight for the door.

He wasn't completely sure how to feel. Did he want Josh to stop him? Did he not? Either way, he would be hurt.

As he twisted the doorknob, he heard Josh call from behind him in the softest of voices.



Tyler quickly shut the door behind him, swiftly walking down the porch steps. He set his bags down once he reached the sidewalk so he could grab his phone out of his pocket.

"Please come back," Josh begged, standing in the now open doorway. "I'm sorry."


"It's my fault, okay? It wasn't yours, baby, it was mine, and I'm sorry." He sounded genuine, Tyler thought his eyes even looked a little glossy.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm sorry. I just know I love you too much to let you leave me," Josh faltered, wiping at a tear Tyler couldn't quite see because it was around two in the morning.

When he didn't respond, Josh continued.

"Come inside, please baby. Bring your stuff back inside and we can put it away. I don't want you to leave, okay?"

Again, Tyler didn't respond. He dropped his eyes to the ground, debating on whether he should listen to his mind or his heart.

"Baby, please," Josh growled, seemingly growing irritated. "Can't you tell I mean it? I'm being honest!"

Was he, though?

Heavy footsteps approached Tyler until, suddenly, Josh's hand closed around his wrist, squeezing it tight. "Look me in the eyes when I talk to you!"

Tyler's head snapped up, his fearful eyes meeting those of anger.

"I told you it was my fault!"

Broken Love //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now