3. Friends

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1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; supporter.


The boy shot up, wide awake thanks to Josh's yelling.


"How many times have I asked you to do the fucking laundry?"

Tyler sighed and laid back down. He just woke up, it was too early, and he had no energy to deal with Josh right now.

"Answer me!" The older ordered, his hand slapping against the bedside table next to Tyler's head.

Tyler flinched, only shutting his eyes tighter. "I don't know..."

"I have no clean socks or underwear!"

"So? Borrow mine," Tyler suggested, really hoping Josh would like the idea.

"I don't want to wear your shit, I want my own clean clothes. What the hell are you good for? What do you while I'm gone? Go out and see other people?"

Tyler wanted to ask why Josh wasn't capable of doing his own laundry, but instead responded with, "I was sleeping all day."

"All you do is sleep, Tyler. You're so lazy. Would it seriously kill you to do the laundry?"

"Would it seriously kill you to fucking do it yourself!?" Tyler finally snapped, sitting up out of bed.

"I have my own job! You're supposed to do shit around the house, that's how this works!"

"I'd have my own job too, if you'd let me!"

"Just don't fucking talk to me," Josh muttered, going through Tyler's dresser drawers.

"What are you doing?"

"Wearing your underwear since someone doesn't want to clean mine."

"No, screw you," Tyler scoffed, getting out of bed to rip his clothes out of Josh's hands. "You don't want to borrow my clothes, remember?"

"I don't have a fucking choice, moron," Josh rolled his eyes. He held his hand out. "Give me them now."

"Or else what? You gonna hit me?" Tyler tested, his eyes burning a hole in Josh.

"Give me them!" Josh yelled so loud it made Tyler's ears hurt. He hesitantly set his clothes in Josh's hand.

"God, you're so difficult."

"Shut up. Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you," Tyler mumbled as he sunk back on the bed.

"Let me guess, you're gonna go back to sleep again? How about you do something useful, like the goddamn laundry."

"I said leave me alone."

"I don't care what you said. If the laundry isn't done when I'm home from work, I'm going to be real mad at you."

"You'll be mad either way."

"Look at you, acting like you know everything."

"I know more than you," Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Bye," Josh spoke coldly, slamming the bedroom door shut as he walked out.

Tyler curled into a ball, watching the wall with a blank expression on his face. Josh pissed him off so much. He didn't want to do the laundry, that was so boring. He wanted to go see his friends; the ones that Josh didn't know he had.

Broken Love //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now