1. Introduction

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[in-truh-duhk-shuh n]
the act of introducing or the state of being introduced.

It wasnt even eight in the morning and Tyler was already crying.

He wanted to do something nice for Josh, so he tried to make breakfast. He had made them over-easy eggs because he knew they were Josh's favorite. It was all well until Tyler managed to drop Josh's plate. The eggs and plate dropped to the ground. Glass was shattered everywhere, and the yolk from the eggs had splattered all over the floor.

A normal person wouldn't cry over something so dumb, but Tyler had gotten sensitive over the years. He was angry with himself for being so clumsy and breaking everything, but he was also afraid Josh was going to yell at him.

He sat on the floor crying in the middle of the mess. The noise woke Josh, and he was annoyed until he saw Tyler broken down in the middle of the kitchen floor.

"What's wrong, Tiger?"

Tyler felt somewhat relieved. Josh didn't call him that unless he was in a good mood.

"I-I was making us b-breakfast but I dropped it a-and everything broke and I'm s-sorry Joshy..."

"Hey, it's okay." Josh didn't sound mad, which was rare. He helped Tyler up and lifted him up over the shattered glass. Tyler watched silently as Josh swept cleaned up his mess. He felt bad. He could've done it himself.

"You didn't have to do that," Tyler mumbled.

"Okay, next time I won't," Josh rolled his eyes. "You can't just be thankful I helped you?"

"I am thankful," Tyler said defensively, narrowing his eyes at Josh. His head hurt from crying and he just wanted to go back to bed. He really didn't want to argue right now, but if Josh was going to then Tyler could too.

"Sure doesn't seem like it. Just go sit down. I'll get you cereal."

Tyler didn't know if he should argue or "be thankful" but he figured Josh would want the latter. He sat in the living room and turned on cartoons. Josh came in with two bowls of cereal and sat next to his boyfriend. He handed Tyler the bowl of fruit loops and took the frosted flakes for himself, even though they were Tyler favorite.

"You didn't get me frosted flakes?" Tyler asked in annoyance.

"If you wanted some you could've gotten it yourself."

"I was trying to be thankful," Tyler explained through gritted teeth.

"I hate this fucking show," Josh changed the subject, grabbing the remote.

"But I love Tom and Jerry..."

"It's stupid, Tyler. We watch it all the time."

"Actually, we watch your shit all the time. But whatever."

Josh threw the remote down on the coffee table, making Tyler flinch. "God damn Tyler you just love arguing with me don't you!?" he snapped.

Tyler didn't answer, he stared at his cereal with disgust. He was never hungry when him and Josh were arguing. Besides, he really wanted frosted flakes.

Broken Love //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now