2. Moody

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expressing or exhibiting sharply varying moods; temperamental.

Tyler was woken up by a pair of wet lips against his forehead. His heavy eyes fluttered open to find Josh standing over him. Tyler smiled.

"I missed you."

"Work sucked," Josh complained.

"Need a hug?"


Tyler scooted over to make more room for Josh. The older kicked his shoes off and slid in between Tyler's arms. When Josh had a bad day at work, he'd sometimes want to be held like a little baby. Other times, he'd want to yell and break things and make Tyler cry. Tyler decided today was an up and down day; Josh's mood kept changing.

"I missed you," Tyler repeated, nuzzling his face into Josh's faded pink curls.

"I missed you too. I wish you could come with me to work so you could see the idiots I have to deal with."

"Me too. Can I get a job?"


"Why?" Tyler already knew why, but maybe he could convince Josh.

"You don't need a job. I can support us on my own."

"You just don't want me to leave without you."

Tyler was right.

"Shut up, Tyler."

"It's true."

"Don't make me mad."


Tyler wasn't actually sorry, he was pretty mad himself. He wanted his own money. He didn't want Josh to worry about him cheating on him. Tyler wouldn't do that. He loved Josh too much.

"Do you want me to make dinner?"

"Can I do it?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know, are you going to drop everything again?"

"Never mind."

"I was just kid-"

"It wasn't funny," Tyler interrupted.

"Okay, whatever. I'll make myself dinner."

Josh pulled himself out of Tyler's arms, leaving the boy alone and upset. Tyler watched Josh walk out or the room before he let himself pout. Was Josh seriously only going to make dinner for himself?

Tyler got up and trotted out to the kitchen. Josh was on the phone, speaking kind of quietly.

"No, no pepperoni. Yeah, just cheese. And can I get a two liter of Dr. Pepper too? Awesome, thanks."

"You ordered pizza?"

Josh whipped around and glared at Tyler, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. "You were listening to me?"

"I was gonna help you with dinner."

"Well, way to ruin the fucking surprise."

"Sorry," Tyler frowned. He didn't mean to ruin anything.

"Whatever, Tyler. It's fine I guess."

"Are you mad at me?"

"Just leave me alone for a second!" Josh snapped, making his boyfriend flinch.

Tyler nodded and shuffled away, hanging his head in shame. He sat on the end of the sofa, slouching against the arm. His knees pulled into his chest as he started at the black TV screen before him. How come it seemed like no matter how hard he tried not to piss Josh off, it just didn't work?

Broken Love //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now