9. Carnal

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pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual.

They ended up going to Tyler's favorite restaurant, a barn-style building with little mechanic animals inside that were set off every thirty minutes or so. A fake owl hooted, a mechanic wood-pecker nipped at a wooden column, an imitation fox peeked his head out of a barrel. There was more, but those were Tyler's favorites.

Josh and him hadn't gone there together for a year or so, and Tyler was glad to be back. Their food was delicious, and all the animal sounds gave the whole restaurant a peaceful aura. They sat across from each other at a wooden table, a single light hanging above their heads.

"I missed it here," Tyler said, looking around at all of the pictures of animals hanging on the walls.

"I remember this is your favorite restaurant because of all the little animals."

Tyler nodded and tried to hide how surprised he was over the fact that Josh remembered something so simple. Shortly after arriving, they ordered their meals. Tyler was unsure of what to say while they waited, so he simply observed all the people around him.

There was an elder couple sharing a cup of soup, two girls in their teens gawking at each other across the table, a mother and father with their baby, and more. Tyler wondered how their lives were at home. They all seemed happy. Did he? Would someone be able to tell how things were just by one look at him?

He turned his attention back to Josh to find him staring right back. With pink cheeks and a small smile, Tyler asked what he was looking at.

"You," Josh replied simply. "I like looking at you."

"You do?" he felt his ears grow hot, and his heart trip over itself behind his ribs. This felt like how they used to be, how Josh used to be nice. He would say things like that daily, but now Tyler was rarely complimented. It felt remarkable.

"Of course I do, you're my baby. My beautiful baby."

Josh had Tyler feeling incredible, and the way he was talking in a low voice inevitably turned Tyler on. He was embarrassed about having a boner in the middle of a nice restaurant, but he couldn't help it. He'd gone without Josh for so long. This was Josh, this was who he fell in love with. He hadn't had any sexual activity with Josh in a while, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't frustrated by it.

"Thank you, Joshy," he said softly. "I love you."

"I love you so much, Tiger. Just wait until we get home."

"What're we gonna do when we get home?" Tyler was hoping the answer would relieve the heat in his pants, but Josh only grinned.

"You'll see."


It was slow, and sweet, and everything Tyler had been craving for months.

It was soft kisses and shy fingers.

It was kind words and heavy breaths.

It wasn't just lust and passion, it was love and tenderness.

As Tyler lay, regaining his breath, he watched Josh slip out of the room. The alarm clock read 9 pm, and Tyler couldn't quite remember what day it was. He hoped it was Friday, so Josh wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow and they could cuddle all day.

Unfortunately he realized, no, it was Thursday, and Josh would still be gone tomorrow. With a sigh, he slid off the bed. Josh came back, then, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Want to take a shower with me?"

Tyler nodded eagerly and dropped the sheet on the bed, exposing his bare skin. He blushed, even though he'd been naked underneath Josh for the past twenty minutes. The latter guided him to their bathroom by their connected hands.

They stepped under the hot water droplets together. Tyler sighed in satisfaction, the heat soothing his sore muscles. Josh washed his hair for him while he simply stood under the streaming water. Tyler thanked him, but Josh told him he didn't have to because he wanted to wash his hair for him. He said Tyler looked cute with sudsy hair.

"What am I gonna do while you're at work tomorrow?" he asked, helping Josh wash the shampoo out of his hair.

"What do you usually do?"

Tyler felt guilty, but he lied about not hanging out with his friends. "Nothing, really. Sleep, watch tv, sit on my phone."

"Hm, I'm not sure. I'll bring you home a surprise, how's that sound?"

"Okay," Tyler beamed. "What is it?"

"It's not a surprise if I tell you," Josh remarked, guiding the bar of soap over Tyler's back.

"Okay. I love you," he reminded him, never wanting him to forget.

"I love you too, cutie."

"Can we cuddle tonight?"

"Of course."

"And can we watch Tom and Jerry in the morning tomorrow?"


"Can we make breakfast together?"

"Tyler," Josh said in a warning voice. "Enough questions. We can do whatever you want."

"Okay, sorry."

"It's okay. I'm not mad."

Tyler smiled at that. He turned around to hug Josh, their bodies slippery against each other. They kissed before letting the water wash the soap away, then got out.

Josh lazily dried himself, his body still half-wet as he wrapped his towel around his waist. He took Tyler's towel out of his hands and began trying to brunette himself. Tyler didnt argue, only held his arms out for the man to dry. Josh touseled his wet hair with the towel in an attempt to dry it.

"My cutie," he cooed. "Love you so much."

"Love you too."

"I love you more."

"No you don't," Tyler argued with a playful smile.

"Oh, yes I do."

"Oh, no you don't."

Broken Love //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now