dead officially I

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Alexa was slowly eating her cupcake as Eric was talking on and on about his job and how Tegan was making it hard for him to establish a good name as a doctor  within the community when his beaten and bloody men were appearing at his doctor's office all the time. He was a nice guy, yet boring as hell. Nothing he said was ever entertaining to Alexa. Only when he was talking about Tegan he had her full attention. Eric was telling her the masterplan he had developed for her, he wanted her to move to Michigan. He apparently knew some people there that would house her for a little before she would make her own living as a secretary at a lawyer's office which belongs to one of his friends. Him calling her Melanie the whole time just straight pissed her off. Her name was the only thing her father left her and now that is kind of gone, too? No!

"Melanie, would you like another drink?"                                             
"Stop, okey? I'm not comfortable with that name. Just call me by my own name."                                 

Eric looked at Alexa with eyes that held so much pity. She just wanted to scratch them out. She took a deep breathe and reached out to hold his hands.                                                          

"I'm sorry Eric, you did so much for me but everything is happening so fuck*ng rapidly. I mean, all I had was invested to an apartment to which I can't even go near anymore. We were almost killed by an explosion, to mention that I was held prison at a brothel for a few days doesn't even sound that terrible any longer. I have zero future plans and do not know what will happen next plus I don't like my new name... I think I need to digest everything before you make plans for me. Please just give me time." Life was never really kind to Alexa but right now it was an asshole.         

Eric took a sip of his coffee before he spoke.
"That's exactly what we lack. Time." What was he talking about?                    

"I'm offically dead, baby, I ain't got nothing but time." Alexa then leaned back and continued eating her cupcake.

"I don't know what to do from now on Eric. Yeah, I've never really planned my life. For God's sake I have been wandering around since I've been 19, but I've had my dads recources. When it was becoming scarcer I bought a fucking place to settle...we both know that's not happening anymore...", before Alexa could finish Sherman interrupted her as he entered the diner.

"Sell it to me." He suggested as he sat down next to Eric and Alexa.  "I will give you the price you have invested in it or more if you need."

Alexa was gobsmacked as she heard Sherman's offer. She would have taken it but there was one big problem. "How can I sell you my apartment when I'm dead, Sherman..."

"We won't be able to do it the normal way, I know. You just have to write down a testament in which you leave the house to me. Don't take this the wrong way but a lot of suicidal people write testaments very early in their life and ..."

"I'm not suici...whatever... I will take your offer. So you're suggesting I write a last will that leaves the flat to you. Do you know and trust two people who would make that testament legally relevant?" In the state they were living at it was necessary to have two withnesses which could be a problem, because Alexa didn't know many people. 

"Octavia and me could do it," Eric interfered, "you would have your seed founding for your new life and we wouldn't at least worry about you financially status at the moment. Me and Sherman do not share the same last name and are not lawfully father and son, so there shouldn't be a problem."

"Thank you so much, but there is one more thing that I need and it's in said flat..."

"Alexa there is no way to go there right now, let's not..."

"Sherman, it's my father. I can't just leave my dad's ashes there."

Alexa just silenced the table with that statement, it was an uncomfortable silence that lingered. She took a deep breath and attepted to break the ice.

"So, how was your day, Sherman?"


Ivan was uneasy about certain things which occured over the past months. He had a bad gut feeling about one person in particular. It was time to take matters into his own hands and figure things out before others did. He walked into the shattered office and took every piece of digital information he could gather, hard disks, memory cards which contained the memory of the camera systems. First he went through Jon's stuff then he went through the last pieces of video material of the security cams of the crystal. Only the day of the explosion was relevant at this point.


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