You rage me up

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Tegan's last statement silenced our table, we literally just sat there and said nothing. While he casually just poured himself a new glass of his liqour, my mom's mouth just opened and closed the whole time. Her lips were forming words but her vocalcords simply would not function. The sight was nuts. I on the other hand, had a hard time fighting against bursting out in laughter. Tegan noticed my mom's shocked state just went on with pretending to understanding my moms mute conversation with herself.

"You wanted to know, here you go. You're welcome", he said with a monoton and mocking tone. I just couldn't hold it in anymore a tiny laughter escaped my lips. Bianca's head looked ready to explode. She took a deep breathe and started glaring at us.

Then her eyes were fixing on me and her voice finally was able to leave her mouth. I wish it didn't though.

"I hope you used protecing, we wouldn't want you to repeat my biggest mistake."

Ouch...well, that hit home. I knew who she was reffering to. I was her biggest mistake.

Tegan took a big gulp out of his glass and crashed it on to the table after he was done.

"I don't think Alexa is anything like you." Tegan's voice was accusing and the refferance to her sounded like an Insult.

 I really didn't know which switch was turned but suddenly the mood got really dark and Tegan started to get defensive, while Bianca's attitude towards me seemed to have changed completely. A few moments ago, she said that she was concerend about my well being and all that stuff, now she was calling me her biggest mistake. Also she seemed shocked about the fact how much Tegan seemed to know about her. Bianca drowned in her vine. After she had finished the 5th glass she replied: "I'm telling you, her father was a good for nothing, just like her. Always making poor choises. He had money but could never keep it. And this piece of shit is whoring herself out to you," she was accusingly pointing her finger at me," so you provide for her. Can't you see?"

Drunk People tell the truth they say, so this was how she was really felling about me. Lovely.

"Just like the way you did with my dad and all the other men you got married to, mom? How old is Mister Speer?" I stayed calm, she wasn't worth it.

"I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree, but unlike you I am able to house in large mansions and wear gold, while you just come off as a cheap hooker."

What could I say, old rich farts just weren't my thing. Just when I had almost forgotten he was still with us, Tegan threw his few sentences in.

"You mean the bromstick you're riding night for night. First of all, that's not a tree, second of all she didn't fall from your broomstick, you threw her down. What's it all to you, really?"

His deminor was calm yet cold.

I felt like I needed to stop this, but I was lost for words. How could my dad be so attached to his woman, I just did't get it. If anything, she was my dad's worst mistake but never mind. I wasn't going to tell her that, in my opinion I did fall far from the broomstick. Tegan looked like he was ready to shoot Bianca, I just graped his hand under the table and laid it back on my leg. This wasn't his fight, but I had a feeling he would fight it out until the end. I didn't want to stress out about things that weren't worth it. But in Bianca's eyes I saw that she wasn't quite finished yet.

"Alexa, I see you found yourself a spokesperson. Isn't that a little pathetic considering you probably can only pay him with sex."

Hahahahah. Good one. Oh well, she was just getting started.

"Pathetic just like your attempt to get a piece of your dead ex-husbands financial remains." She thought dad left a fortune, well he kind of did but his last will was to spend it on children's hospitals and that was what I did. Having said that, most of his money is gone. There was just very little left and I spent that on my apartment. Sucks to be Bianca. There is nothing left. I'm an adult. I don't even knew what her stupid plan was, probably taking custody over me to get to the money, claimung I'm suicidal and mentally ill like she did to her last husband. I took a gulp of my cherry cola and continued to eat my steak. Pathetic like my dad's tries to get over this stupid dragon. What ever the steak was soo tasty. I fed a piece to Tegan. "You need to try this before it gets cold! It's so good." He looked irritated for a moment but just took the meat I was offering him into his mouth. This was suppost to be our date and Bianca just invited herself to do what ever, like I don't even know what her problem was. She started to tap on the table with her finger nails, while Tegan and I just ate our food. 

But there was one question left and I just had to ask her.

"From now on, could you just leave me alone? I don't have any of dad's money anymore and considering the reason for his suicide, you are being pretty damn ridiculous."

I took her wedding ring out of my clutch. I still remember her threwing this ring into my dad's face when ever he tried to win her back. She came visiting us from here and here borrowing money from my father that he never saw again.

"Take this." I placed the ring in front of her. I knew my dad. That thing is probably worth a fortune. She looked at it for a long time before she took it into her hand, her eyes started watering.

"You kept it? As a reminder of me?" At first yes. But later it was just a shield against men.

"You know, dad used to believe you would come back. He used to tell me stories about you that would make anybody think highly of you."

She took a deep breathe and a tear actually escaped her eye. "Oh, honey..." , wow, this woman was sick.

"But I just hated you for breaking my father. Now I want you to take that damn thing and do what you do best. Leave."

Her mouth opened but closed again. She stood up took her coat and left, taking the ring with her. Tegan watched her and I saw the tention in his jaw.

"You probably don't want to have anything to do with me anymore but before you leave... please pay, you know I'm broke."

Tegan just cracked a little smile about my  joke and put his hand against my cheek.

"You are not a mistake. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I'm just a hooker."

"Oh shut up. You'd be fucking rich if you were one."

I liked the sound of that. That meant he thought I was hot, right? I started to giggle.

"Boy, don't give me ideas, alright."

And suddenly the mood got balanced again.

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