Last Stall on the Left

Start from the beginning

Raising a brow at the question, I swallowed my pasta. "Whats gonna happen?"

"You know! When are the Ninja and Kunoichi gonna appear?!"

Flinching slightly at the response nearly choking, I took a deep breath and drank some water before answering. Trying my best to keep my nerves and guilt under wraps.

"Uhhh.... I suppose when the schools in danger or something, I guess. I mean they just don't appear without a good reason to."

"Yeah I guess your right."


"I stand corrected..."

Wiping around, I took in the sight of my supposed partner crouched down in a black and red suit before standing up with his arms out.

"Hello Students! Tis I.... THE NINJA!"

I could barley hear the gasp and cheers of excitement from everyone or Rachel's own squeals as they all moved closer to the ninja. To preoccupied with my own thoughts.

Though one did stood out.


Standing, I made my way over while trying to not express my annoyance beside crossing my arms over my chest. 

I really was not impressed with the scene.

"Now as a Ninja." He started, "I must be prepared at any do THIS!" He threw a punch. "And THIS!" a kick. "And how could I forget THIS!" He jumped into the air with another kick before landing back on the table.

Everyone cheered while I discreetly rolled my eyes. What a show off.

Time to put and end to this.

Carefully making my way to the bathroom and into a stall, I reached into my bag and pulled out my mask.

 Taking a breath, I put it on and immediately felt ribbons rapping around my body in a flash of blue light before settling.

 Taking a breath, I put it on and immediately felt ribbons rapping around my body in a flash of blue light before settling

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'Lets get this over with.'

~Third person's P.O.V~

Randy/ Ninja waved to his adoring audience as they cheered.

'This is the absolute CHEESE!'  


Whirling around to see a mass of blue smoke, he and the crowd gasped at the figure that appeared.

She stood just a few inches shorter than himself in a matching black and blue ninja suit with her dark red hair in a ponytail.

There were only a few minor differences in the design, like the marking on the chest was on the opposite side, the blue around her eyes were thicker and fanned out, and the lines on the bottom looked like small fangs.

(Randy x OC) Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!Where stories live. Discover now