Chapter 38- it's an emergency

Start from the beginning

I move my arm and it feels like I'm being stabbed repeatedly. I look to the weights on the floor. "Fuck you."

I force myself to stretch even though it hurts like hell. I can't be done yet. I'm still not convinced, and I need to be before I can leave.

I rest for two more minutes before getting up and making my way over to the punching bags.

It's Saturday. We didn't tutor yesterday, so that means since Thursday we haven't spoken, not even glancing at one another.

I am happy this way.

But I don't smile. Instead I clench my jaw tightly and slide on the thin, black gloves the gym offers. Perfectly. Fucking. Happy.

One punch, but it's not nearly enough.


It's harder this time, but I need more.

Happier than I was,

The bag swings wildly like a psychopath in a straightjacket, more with every hit. One rapidly after the other, nonstop, harder almost every time. I grunt, furrowing my eyebrows and clenching my jaw tighter. Happy.

I don't even sense time passing by. I don't realize how long I'm punching, but it vaguely feels like all my damn knuckles are crushed, and my arms are numb in a way that hurts. Happy.

I swing again, but I can tell I'm weakening. I try again, desperate for some reason not to let myself back down, but each hit is softer until the bag is barely moving at all. I let my arms drop to my side, and I'm panting horrifically as if I had run a thousand miles. I really cannot breathe.

Breathless, numb, in pain... but it's not just the workout that did this to me. I've felt that same way for two months now. Is this happy?

I then catch a glance of myself in a nearby mirror on the wall. "Fuck you." I mutter. "Don't lie anymore."

I am so unhappy that it physically hurts.

Since when do I say things like "I'm happy for you and your great relationship with someone else even though I love you more than anyone else I've ever fallen for?"

That's not like me. I don't need to care what's going on with Hoseok and Ji-won, I didn't sign a contract for agreeing to remain in unhappiness. So fuck it.

Collapsing in the same bench as before, I come up with a brief plan in 15 seconds, not giving myself enough time to back out. Then I press her contact and call.

I put the phone against my ear and I feel my hand shaking a little. It rings 5 times, and I honestly think she's going to let me go to voicemail. I'm about to give up and hang up when I hear her voice, right before the 6th ring. She must've been hesitating and staring at the screen that entire time.

"Hi Jungkook." She says calmly. I initiate my plan.

"JI-WON THANK GOD YOU PICKED UP!" I yell while still panting. I can instantly hear the change of tone in her voice, and she sounds panicked, like I'm pretending to be.

"Wait, what? Did something happen??" She asks quickly.

"I, I just..." I take a moment to pant to add to the drama. "I can't explain right now. But I need help."

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