sixteen | bonnie & clyde

Start from the beginning

'' Sorry, baby, you are going to have to stay here and wait for me to come back. ''

Did I just hear the front door close after him?

'' Oh no he didn't... ''

My eyes snapped open, I looked up towards the fluffy pink handcuffs on my wrist and gasped in shock.

'' That little bastard! He did! He left me behind! ''

Mijin, this is why you should stop dating guys who are in to bondage play, no matter how fun it might be.

I loudly cursed and started pulling on to the fluffy pink handcuffs. I was handcuffed to the bed, much like the morning after that one night when I got drugged in Sehun's club. Only that this time, I had no hairpins to use to get myself out of here. I knew that I had to think fast, otherwise Baekhyun was going to go and do something stupid. Something that would probably make him despise himself for the rest of his life.

You are trying to save the mafia man that you want to put behind bars, Mijin.

What are you doing?

With all honestly, I had no idea.

I just had to get to him.

I pulled out the gun that he was always hiding under the bed and aimed at the chain of the fluffy handcuffs. I had no idea if it was going to work or I was going to end up badly wound, but I had to try. That was why I closed my eyes, looked away and fired a shot. I jumped back, rolled off the bed and landed on the ground. It was only then that I let out a breath of relief and looked at my new fluffy pink 'bracelet'. '' Did he really think that I would get stopped by a sex toy? Tch. Fool me once, shame on me, but fool me twice and you are going to have to face the consequences. I'm going to have fun getting revenge for this, but first... Time to save the day, Mijin. ''

I lifted myself up from the ground and quickly grabbed my clothes. I was just in the middle of buttoning my white shirt when I thought about my words and thoughtfully corrected myself. '' Okay, let's be realistic... Time to ruin someone's day, almost die and save a gangster from prison. Yeah, that sounds about right. Now I'm definitely never getting to Heaven though. ''

I put on a surgical mask, covered my head with the hood of my jacket and walked out of the penthouse apartment. Lately, I was way more easygoing than I used to be. I stopped looking over my shoulder every few moments, I wasn't that restless anymore and I wasn't hiding in the shadows. Now I immediately switched back to my mentality when I was a runaway and survival was the most important thing. I had to be careful, I had to think fast and I had to watch my back.

My face was serious when I walked in to a familiar internet cafe. The room was dark and the only light was coming from the computer monitors. It was a way to help the eyesight of game addicted boys and girls that spent here hours, sometimes even days. Their glazed eyes didn't even leave the computers in front of them when I walked between them and they stayed completely immobile on their seats, with only their fingers typing or using the computer mouse. I was turning my head left and right, trying to spot someone and sure enough there he was, sitting in the very back of the cafe, where it was always empty because the extra plugs weren't working.

'' Are you really that bad at hiding or did you want me to find you, Mark? '' I asked with a grin and leaned with my hand against his shoulder.

He flinched at first, but his face relaxed as soon as he realised that it was me. Almost like he was waiting for me. '' Both. The boss is the boss, but you... We go way back. I don't agree with him trying to lock you away to keep you out of trouble. It's not like that would do much good anyway. You are a magnet for bad things no matter where you are and locking you in the house would just make a meteorite fall on it, or something like that. ''

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