I looked at her still unsure if I should. I didn't want my dress to get caught in anything and get ruin. She then looked at me with her big puppy eyes making me give in against my better judgment. "Fine but let's be quick about it."


Thirty minutes my ass! I feel like an hour had to have passed and that was me being optimistic. I called out for my friend, but I lost sight of her long ago. When we entered the maze, she had the bright idea of turning it into a race. I cried out that she had the advantaged, but she was off and running leaving me behind. Now, I was lost and sure that I had wondered too far from the exit. The towering green walls were not decorated like they were in the beginning. The paths where barely lit making it hard to walk and every time I tried to walk to an area where it looked brighter I would see that it was just an illusion of my hopeful mind. The laughter of the other people in the maze had died down signaling how far I must have gone in. It was so quiet that the only sound I could hear was my frighten breath. It's okay Y/n. No need to freak out. There is no way your friend would just leave you here. She'll see you're missing and get help. The maze can't really be that big to lose a person over-night!

I looked up at the sky to comfort myself with the stars or moon but was met with pitch black. Well, that was a terrible idea! I thought as I hugged myself. I never felt so trapped and scared. At this point I didn't care about the contest, I just wanted out of this maze! I looked down at the ground for a moment and saw that a light mist was gathering at my feet. When I first saw the mist, I thought it was just a fog machine and turned down a path thinking it was a short cut. When I saw how dark it was I tried turning around only to be met with a dead end. And now, here I am and hour and who knows how many minutes later lost and alone. "Is anyone out there!" I called out hoping for an answer. There was no way that I was the only one who saw that open path, right?

Resisting the sudden urge to cry I started down the path once more.


Two hours and thirty minutes later,

The fog was growing thicker and thicker as I moved in the maze. It was probably wiser to stay in one spot and wait for rescue but anytime I did I would hear the walls moving. That's right I said it. The walls moved and that was not all. There were growling noises in the fog. That was all I needed, a lose dog or dogs in the maze. Too frighten to stay put I kept on moving and sung a tune under my breath to help keep me calm. It did help, a little.

Suddenly the fog dissolved, and I heard a soft crying sound coming from somewhere near me. I must not be the only one this lost! I moved to find where it was coming from. My heart beat hard with excitement as the sound grew louder with each step I took. They must be close! I was about to call out to whoever was crying when I heard a new sound. Cruel laughter and a hurt scream. I slowed my pace and decide it would be better to peeked around the bend to see who was there. I covered my mouth before I could let out a loud cry. There in front of me where two greyish goblins. I turned to lean my back against the wall to talk myself out of what I just saw. I was at a Halloween party. Surely those were just four-foot students with very good costumes and professional make up. There was a theatric department and a movie horror club at my school. I glanced back over to see if maybe I could spot a seam or zipper to prove my point, but I could not. Their just really well made. That's all!

However, one of the monsters moved revealing where the small cries where coming from. There on a stack of stones was a small creature tied down. If it didn't struggle so much and kick its white legs up I would have never noticed it. The poor thing cried and whimpered as one of the goblins poked at it with a stick. The other picked up a slab of stone off the ground and stomped over to the stack the creature was on. My heart dropped as it lifted the heavy weight over its head to slam it down. The creature let out a horrible scream making me jump out from my hiding spot.

The King's Maze (Yami x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin