💜🍋Laundry Room Rendezvous - Bakugou

Start from the beginning

You were pulled from your daze when the man snapped his fingers in your face a couple of times. "Oi, you good?"

You shook your head and looked up into his eyes, only to see his face sporting a light shade of red himself. You tilted your head in confusion before realizing just what you were holding in your hands.

You held onto (f/c) lacy panties as you were staring at this man.

Your eyes widened drastically as your entire face exploded with a bright red.

"Nice going ya idiot! Now he must think you're some creep or some shit!" You mentally scolded yourself as you throw the pair of panties in and turned so you weren't facing him.

"I want to crawl into a hole and die." You whispered as you eventually turned back to finish putting your laundry in. What you didn't see tho, was that he had to momentarily turn away to hide his growing smirk. What you also didn't know was that he finds you cute as well. He'd always wish you could stop being so shy and just talk to him, and you never gave him a chance to start one up in the hallway when you two crossed paths, which didn't help.

After about 10 minutes or so, the old lady had left, and the sun was beginning to set. Your laundry was just about finishing up, so you stood waiting by the machine for it to tell you when it was done. But your attractive neighbor's machine got done first. You were kind of disappointed, you weren't going to lie, as you thought he would just get them out and leave. He did end up getting them out, but during the entire time you two were there, he may or may not have been dreamingly watching you. He put his basket down before pulling you towards him and lifting you to place you on top of the machine.

"Why do you never stop to try and attempt to talk to me? Am I unapproachable? Are the other people in this shitty apartment building saying shit about me again?" He momentarily paused, "Do you hate me?" His voice was quiet and it almost sounded like he was hurt.

"N-Nani?! N-No! I'm just terribly shy and you're incredibly hot! You'd have no interest in someone like me surely!" You blurted out before slapping both hands over your mouth as you widened your eyes.

A wicked grin spread on his face. "So you find me hot huh? What if I told you I find you cute?" He asked as his eyes never stopped staring into yours.

"Why....?" You whispered, more to yourself than him.

Instead of answering you, his gaze flicked down to your lips, and his eyes had a sense of longing in them.

"Can I kiss you?" He softly asked as his alluring ruby orbs went back to staring into your sparkling (e/c) ones. It took you quite sometime to respond, as you found yourself getting lost in those beautiful eyes of his. He eventually moved his lips close to yours, so close you could feel your lips brushing against one another.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked again, and you could feel his breath hitting your lips. His eyes kept on flickering between your eyes and your lips.

"What's your name?" You asked, making him a bit frustrated at the fact he couldn't kiss you, because you didn't give him consent.

"Katsuki. What's yours beautiful?" He returned with. You couldn't see it, but he was starting to breathe a little bit heavier at the thought of your lips finally touching.

"(Y/n)... A-And yes... Please do..." You whispered.

It didn't even take him a second to gently close the distance between you two. Both of your eyes fluttered closed as you positively melted into his sweet and intoxicating kiss.

He wrapped your legs around his waist before slowly running his hands over your body, one goes up to gently cup your cheek while the other goes to behind your neck, where he very lightly grips it so he can push you further into his lips. Your own hands slid up his well defined clothed chest, which had you wishing he could just be out of it already. His hands stopped holding your cheek and neck after several seconds to feel your body down to your waist with feather like touches, which had goosebumps going all throughout your skin.

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